Threats to Coral

Threats to Coral Reefs

Identifying and Addressing Threats to Reef Communities 



What We Mean by "Threats"

Coral reefs face a variety of anthropogenic and environmental stressors from warming ocean temperatures and bleaching events to disease brought on by climate change and increased human activity, leading to degradation, loss of biodiversity, and a decline of the ecosystem benefits that reefs provide. 

Before we can provide feasible and realistic solutions, we must first identify and address those stressors that most immediately impact coral reef communities from warming sea surface temperatures and bleaching events to disease. This page serves as a tool to keep you updated and informed regarding current threats to these natural ecosystems.

Click the icons below to explore the different stressors: 

A sea of blue and a large piece of elkhorn coral stands above the reef (orange) with fish of different shapes swirling almost in a circle above the reef.

Elkhorn Coral (Acropora palmata) is an essential reef-building coral throughout the Caribbean, and it is currently critically endangered (IUCN Status) due to ocean warming.

Top News

New Study Reveals Impacts of Suspended Sediment from Port Miami on Larvae from Threatened Caribbean Coral 

New study led by scientists at CIMAS, AOML and NMFS reveals impacts of suspended sediment from Port Miami on early life stages of a threatened Caribbean coral species.

An orange coral polyp zoomed in to see the edges as its attached to the microplate


Coral Bleaching

Coral bleaching occurs when corals become physically stressed due to extreme changes in temperature, light or nutrient concentrations in their surrounding habitat, and they expel the photosynthetic algae found within their tissue, turning them a pale white and leaving them vulnerable to mortality. However, bleaching does not mean the corals immediately die, and they can recover from a bleaching event. 


Click the photo to learn more.

This photosynthetic algae is both the major source of food for corals (producing organic carbohydrates that the coral needs to survive) and gives the coral its vibrant coloration, thus explaining why they turn a pale white when the algae is expelled. When bleaching occurs, corals cannot play host to their photosynthetic algae again until the physical stress (high sea surface temperatures, reduced light penetration of the marine ecosystem, etc.) is reduced, and the longer the physical stress persists, the more likely corals are to undergo mortality. 

To see what bleaching looks like, click here.

In 2024, NOAA confirmed the world is experiencing the fourth global coral bleaching event on record – and the second in the last 10 years.

In late July 2023, our team returned to the key climate monitoring site in the Florida Keys known as Cheeca Rocks, an inshore shallow reef off the coast of Islamorada. While this reef has proven resilient to stressful conditions and high sea surface temperatures over the years, scientists at AOML found Cheeca completely bleached as a marine heatwave persisted for months.  


Marine Heat Waves

A marine heat wave is when the ocean temperature (i.e. sea surface temperature, SST) is extremely warm relative to what is typically considered “normal,” or warmer than 90% of the previous observations for a given time of year for at least 5 days – but some can last for weeks, months or years. The longer a marine heatwave lasts, the greater the impacts to marine ecosystems. The prolonged marine heatwave of 2023 in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea led to a severe bleaching event affecting coral reefs across the region. A marine heatwave in the Pacific known as “the Blob” lasted from 2013 to 2016, leading to an ecological cascade and devastating fisheries collapse.

Scientists at NOAA’s Physical Science Laboratory (PSL) and Coral Reef Watch actively monitor for marine heatwave conditions globally using  blended satellite data and real-time ocean observations collected by 1,300 weather observation stations deployed by the NOAA National Weather Service’s National Data Buoy Center. 


Ocean Acidification

Compiled Map image of the US East Coast showing a colored image representing ocean acidification.
Map of the US East Coast Showing Ocean Acidification. (Red indicates more acidic, green indicates relatively neutral, and blue indicates more basic).

As oceans warm, they are able to take up and store greater concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) that has serious negative effect on reef ecosystems and other marine environments globally: Ocean Acidification (OA). Following the chemistry, an increase in CO2 taken up by the ocean leads to an increase in hydrogen ions (H+) in the ocean through a series of chemical reactions, making the oceans more acidic. This increase in hydrogen ions threatens coral reefs as they bind with carbonate, an essential molecule corals require to build their hard internal skeleton (composed of Calcium Carbonate, CaCO3). With less available carbonate ions, corals and other organisms including oysters and shellfish are unable to maintain and build up the hard structures they need to live. 

The effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs are thus amplified by increased emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. Identifying how corals persist in response to this environmental stressor is crucial to understanding the future of coral reef ecosystems. AOML scientists continue to advance research including a new monitoring framework that will aid resiliency and restoration efforts.  

image showing process of ocean acidification and how it impedes calcification
This demonstrates a pteropod shell dissolving over time in seawater with a lower pH. When carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean from the atmosphere, the chemistry of the seawater is altered and conditions become more acidic.


Coral Diseases

Corals are highly susceptible to a variety of diseases that have increased in frequency over the last few decades. White band disease mainly threatens Acropora cervicornis (Staghorn) and Acropora palmata (Elkhorn), both ESA-listed species that are key to restoration efforts across Florida and the Caribbean. Of growing concern is the fast-spreading Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) that was first observed on Virginia Key in 2014 and has expanded across the Caribbean.

AOML’s Coral Program is at the forefront of a joint multi-agency effort that strives to address and monitor these diseases with ongoing research aimed at finding solutions that mitigate the effects of disease on essential reef ecosystems. To learn more about our research on coral disease, click here.

An orange brain coral with white discoloration are lesions caused by stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD). The brown coloration is indicative of unaffected areas on the diseased colony. SCTLD is a deadly coral disease that is destroying reefs across Florida and the Caribbean.
A large brain coral with white lesions caused by Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease.
Black-band disease on a pale coral colony of Montastraea cavernosa in the Florida Keys. Photo Credit: NOAA.
Black-band disease on a pale coral colony of Montastraea cavernosa in the Florida Keys. Warming oceans and bleaching can increase a coral's susceptibility to disease. Credit: NOAA



Digging up of debris and resuspension of sediment from the bottom of marine environments during dredging operations is a key stressor to corals. Dredging is typically performed to widen or deepen navigation channels in bodies of water used for shipping and recreational boating. As vessels increase in size to carry greater loads, channels must be made deeper and wider.

Digging up of debris and resuspension of sediment from the bottom of marine environments during dredging operations is a key stressor to corals. Dredging is typically performed to widen or deepen navigation channels in bodies of water used for shipping and recreational boating. As vessels increase in size to carry greater loads, channels must be made deeper and wider.


How does this impact corals? 

If not done carefully, dredging can stir up sediment and increase turbidity that attenuates the amount of light needed by photosynthetic symbionts living in the soft tissue of corals.  Furthermore, high sedimentation rates can lead to coral mortality by burying colonies and decreasing the ability of coral larvae to settle and survive in the area impacted. When marine sediment becomes resuspended, it may also carry pathogenic bacteria that can trigger coral disease outbreaks. 



What’s being done? 

AOML Scientists are working in partnership with the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) to develop the ‘Environmental Information Synthesizer for Expert Systems’ (EISES), a state-of-the-art water quality and turbidity monitoring system   that will inform management of dredging activities in Port Everglades of Ft Lauderdale in Florida. The goal is to mitigate the effects of dredging on benthic ecosystems when expansion of the Port Everglades begins in 2027. Current testing and data collection prior to the onset of dredging operations is essential to establish baseline conditions of turbidity, water quality and other environmental parameters in the surrounding area to distinguish between disturbances caused by natural processes (e.g. high winds and strong current) and what is caused by dredging.

The EISES is installing multiple sensor packages to the seafloor and near the surface that transmit data in real time. Surface buoys also collect meteorological variables such as wind speed and direction, temperature, precipitation, and others.By combining these data sets the EISES will trigger early alerts when disturbances attributed to dredging are detected to inform management when dredging activities must be reduced or temporarily stopped to alleviate pressure on marine ecosystems. 

Buoy deployed at Port Everglades currently being used for monitoring water quality and oceanographic data in near-real time.
Diver on sandy bottom (brown) sets up wires and cables attached to a sensor with two metal clips keeping the senors staked into the seafloor
U.S. Army ERDC (Engineer Research and Development Center) divers deploying forecasting sensors on the ocean floor


Media Resources and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)


Marine Heatwave FAQ

Marine heatwaves are anomalous warming events above the 90th percentile. In a practical sense, it means that they happen 10% of the time relative to long-term records, typically 30-year averages. Globally, they occur from 0 to 5 times per year, ranging from 5 to 40 days.

Every marine heatwave is significant, by definition. Ocean temperatures in the Summer of 2023 (the most recent marine heatwave) were extremely warm relative to what we typically consider to be “normal”. Among historical marine heatwave conditions, the event of Summer 2023 was on the upper end of “average.”

The last time there was a marine heatwave of that magnitude that encompassed this much of the Gulf of Mexico was in 2020.

A map of South FLorida with the land grey while the ocean is different mixes of orange and yellow getting to a deep orange along the reef and Bahamas with yellow further north in the open, with the indication below the ma that purple is -5 degrees Celsius while orange to red is higher 5 degrees Celsius, meaning the orange and yellow depict above average Sea Surface Temperatures (SST)

Water temperatures throughout the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean Sea were anywhere from 1-2.5˚C (~2-4.5˚F) warmer than normal in July and early August of 2023. Temperature anomalies like this aren’t unprecedented, but they are concerning while in the thick of the Atlantic hurricane season (June – November) with the tropical North Atlantic already warm. Developing storms that pass into the region during a marine heatwave or with above average sea surface temperatures can be fueled by the warm waters as a result. Additionally, over time it will impact the different species of animals that call the ocean home.

The Gulf of Mexico marine heatwave began around November or December of 2022.

Our experimental marine heatwave forecasts indicate a 70-80% chance that extreme ocean temperatures will persist in the southern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean through October 2023. That being said, our historical forecast skill in this region at 3.5 month leads is lower (though still better than random guessing).

Exposure to extreme temperature for long periods of time causes a breakdown in the relationship between coral and the algae that lives inside of them. The coral is left pale or white, i.e., bleached. The lack of food from the algae can lead to the death of the coral, subsequent erosion of the habitat, and ultimately a loss of the ecosystem services that we rely on including fishing and food, storm protection, tourism, and biodiversity. We are seeing instances of coral bleaching in the Miami area. Severe bleaching and significant mortality is also likely if the marine heatwave persists.

When corals are stressed by changes in conditions, such as extreme temperatures or reduced light penetration, they may expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white in a process known as bleaching. Without the algae, they lose their major source of food and can become weak, potentially leading to death. However, if the conditions return to within optimal range for the corals (i.e. sea surface temperatures returning to average range), then the coral can become host again to the symbiotic algae and recover from the bleaching event. 

To learn more about coral bleaching:

When a coral bleaches, it is not dead. Corals can survive a bleaching event if waters cool down and other sources of nutrition are available, but they are under more stress and ultimately susceptible to mortality. The rise in marine heatwaves can cause an unprecedented increase in coral mortality within coral reefs and damage ecosystem services. However, with the help of marine heat wave forecasting, we can anticipate the temperature rises and monitor coral reefs to learn more about their threats and how we can help support marine ecosystems. 

To learn more about the marine heat wave forecast:

For corals, the temperature is important but so is the amount of time that corals are stressed by the heat. The longer this stress persists, the more likely corals are to bleach. Bleaching does not always lead to death. But, again, if there is no relief from the heat, then corals don’t have time to recover from the stress, and they will eventually die. Corals are food and habitat for other marine organisms and if the corals die, this has a cascading effect on all the other life supported by the reef.

There are more isolated marine heatwave conditions off the Northeast US coast, along the Gulf Stream. We have also been monitoring a large marine heatwave in the Northeast Pacific (in the Gulf of Alaska) that has been sitting offshore for the past few months. There is some concern that it will spread along the US west coast as the current El Niño develops.


Coral Bleaching FAQ

Marine heatwaves are anomalous warming events above the 90th percentile. In a practical sense, it means that they happen 10% of the time relative to long-term records, typically 30-year averages. Globally, they occur from 0 to 5 times per year, ranging from 5 to 40 days.

Every marine heatwave is significant, by definition. Ocean temperatures in the Summer of 2023 (the most recent marine heatwave) were extremely warm relative to what we typically consider to be “normal”. Among historical marine heatwave conditions, the event of Summer 2023 was on the upper end of “average.”

The last time there was a marine heatwave of that magnitude that encompassed this much of the Gulf of Mexico was in 2020.

A map of South FLorida with the land grey while the ocean is different mixes of orange and yellow getting to a deep orange along the reef and Bahamas with yellow further north in the open, with the indication below the ma that purple is -5 degrees Celsius while orange to red is higher 5 degrees Celsius, meaning the orange and yellow depict above average Sea Surface Temperatures (SST)

Water temperatures throughout the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean Sea were anywhere from 1-2.5˚C (~2-4.5˚F) warmer than normal in July and early August of 2023. Temperature anomalies like this aren’t unprecedented, but they are concerning while in the thick of the Atlantic hurricane season (June – November) with the tropical North Atlantic already warm. Developing storms that pass into the region during a marine heatwave or with above average sea surface temperatures can be fueled by the warm waters as a result. Additionally, over time it will impact the different species of animals that call the ocean home.

The Gulf of Mexico marine heatwave began around November or December of 2022.

Our experimental marine heatwave forecasts indicate a 70-80% chance that extreme ocean temperatures will persist in the southern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean through October 2023. That being said, our historical forecast skill in this region at 3.5 month leads is lower (though still better than random guessing).

Exposure to extreme temperature for long periods of time causes a breakdown in the relationship between coral and the algae that lives inside of them. The coral is left pale or white, i.e., bleached. The lack of food from the algae can lead to the death of the coral, subsequent erosion of the habitat, and ultimately a loss of the ecosystem services that we rely on including fishing and food, storm protection, tourism, and biodiversity. We are seeing instances of coral bleaching in the Miami area. Severe bleaching and significant mortality is also likely if the marine heatwave persists.

When corals are stressed by changes in conditions, such as extreme temperatures or reduced light penetration, they may expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white in a process known as bleaching. Without the algae, they lose their major source of food and can become weak, potentially leading to death. However, if the conditions return to within optimal range for the corals (i.e. sea surface temperatures returning to average range), then the coral can become host again to the symbiotic algae and recover from the bleaching event. 

To learn more about coral bleaching:

When a coral bleaches, it is not dead. Corals can survive a bleaching event if waters cool down and other sources of nutrition are available, but they are under more stress and ultimately susceptible to mortality. The rise in marine heatwaves can cause an unprecedented increase in coral mortality within coral reefs and damage ecosystem services. However, with the help of marine heat wave forecasting, we can anticipate the temperature rises and monitor coral reefs to learn more about their threats and how we can help support marine ecosystems. 

To learn more about the marine heat wave forecast:

For corals, the temperature is important but so is the amount of time that corals are stressed by the heat. The longer this stress persists, the more likely corals are to bleach. Bleaching does not always lead to death. But, again, if there is no relief from the heat, then corals don’t have time to recover from the stress, and they will eventually die. Corals are food and habitat for other marine organisms and if the corals die, this has a cascading effect on all the other life supported by the reef.

There are more isolated marine heatwave conditions off the Northeast US coast, along the Gulf Stream. We have also been monitoring a large marine heatwave in the Northeast Pacific (in the Gulf of Alaska) that has been sitting offshore for the past few months. There is some concern that it will spread along the US west coast as the current El Niño develops.


Additional Bleaching Media Resources

Bleaching Observations

(January 2023 – July 2023)

Below you will find examples of bleaching on experimentally outplanted corals at long-term monitoring and research sites by scientists with the AOML Coral Program, University of Miami, and the Cooperative Institute for Marine & Atmospheric Studies due to the marine heatwave of 2023.

Left: Map of South Florida with a small rectangle around the South Florida Reefs being examined off of Miami. Right: Zoomed in map of Biscayne Bay/ Miami with designated points identifying the two reefs (blue): MacArthur North as an inshore reef and the offshore Emerald Reef to the south.

MacArthur North

A white reef polyp on a algae-encrusted rock (greenish brown) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 49 in bold black numbers.July 11, 2023
Photo of dark green reef fragment almost blending in with the algae-encrusted rock (greenish brown) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 49 in bold black numbers.January 26, 2023
Photo of completely white reef fragment on the algae-encrusted rock (greenish brown) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 50 in bold black numbers.July 11, 2023
Photo of healthy, dark green reef fragment on the algae-encrusted rock (greenish brown) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 50 in bold black numbers. Coral has deep grooves and ridgesJanuary 26, 2023
Photo of completely white reef fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (white/gray with red splotches) next to yellow tag identifying the reef as 18 in bold black numbers.July 11, 2023
Photo of healthy orange reef fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (grayish with red spots) next to yellow tag identifying the reef as 18in bold black numbers.January 26, 2023
Photo of completely white coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (grayish with blue/red splotches) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 14 in bold black numbers.July 11, 2023
Photo of healthy orange coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with orange/green splotches ) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 14 in bold black numbers.January 26, 2023

Emerald Reef

Photo of white-yellow coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges and specks of white on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with green splotches) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 11 in bold black numbers.July 11th, 2023
Photo of healthy dark brown coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with green splotches) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 11 in bold black numbers.January 26, 2023
Photo of yellow/white coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with green splotches) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 12 in bold black numbers.July 11th, 2023
Photo of healthy brown coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with orange/green splotches) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 12 in bold black numbers.January 26, 2023
Photo of white/yellow coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with brown/green splotches ) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 66 in bold black numbers.July 11, 2023
Photo of healthy brownish - green coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with orange/green splotches) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 66 in bold black numbers.January 26, 2023
Photo of yellowish- white coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with orange/green splotches ) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 58 in bold black numbers.July 11th, 2023
Photo of healthy brownish green coral fragment with deep grooves and ridges on the algae-encrusted substrate (gray with orange/green splotches) next to yellow tag identifying the coral as 58 in bold black numbers.January 26, 2023