Research Highlights
Research Interests
Data assimilation, predictability, observation system design.
Jason Sippel, Ph.D.
Meteorologist, Hurricane Research Division
4301 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, Florida 33149
“This graphic shows that reconnaissance data improves accuracy for the Hurricane Weather Research Forecast (HWRF) model intensity forecasts by 10-15%.”
Dr. Jason Sippel’s research focuses on improving operational hurricane forecasts through improved data assimilation. This covers a wide variety of topics, ranging from improving the efficiency of the hurricane reconnaissance program to assisting with the development of more advanced data assimilation techniques in NOAA’s operational hurricane models. He also helps evaluate the impacts of assimilating new observations that are not currently in the operational data stream.
Dr. Sippel also co-leads the Hurricane and Ocean Testbed (HOT) at the National Hurricane Center (NHC). The mission of the HOT is to transfer new technology, research results, and observational advances more rapidly and smoothly into operations. One of his major focuses in leading the HOT is to improve the use and understanding of reconnaissance observations so that NHC can better assess tropical cyclone intensity and structure in real time.
Current Work
Point of Contact between NHC, EMC, HRD, and external collaborators for improving TC reconnaissance and data assimilation in NOAA’s hurricane models.
Data assimilation developer for NOAA’s hurricane models.
Assist AOML in providing a quantitative basis for observing system design, data assimilation, forecast model decisions that minimize the risk for significant observing system investments, and that optimize NOAA’s observing system portfolio within resource and time constraints.
Assistant manager for Joint Hurricane Testbed.
2008, Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
2004, M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
2002, B.S. Meteorology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
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