Greg Foltz

Gregory Foltz, PhD.

Oceanographer, Physical Oceanography Division


4301 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, Florida 33149

“A sustained and evolving tropical Atlantic observing system is crucial for building scientific knowledge and sustaining and advancing forecasts and projections of severe weather, global climate variability, and climate change.”

Dr. Greg Foltz is an oceanographer, AOML’s lead principal investigator of the Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) Northeast Extension, and a co-lead of NOAA’s Saildrone Hurricane Observations project. His research is concentrated primarily on tropical cyclone-ocean interaction and tropical climate variability and change and their links to the ocean. Dr. Foltz’s work has contributed to improved understanding of ocean mixed layer dynamics in the tropics and the impact of ocean temperature and salinity stratification on tropical cyclone intensification. He also works closely with NOAA’s operational centers to transition research to operations in order to improve weather and climate forecasts and assessments. Dr. Greg Foltz serves as an editor of the Journal of Physical Oceanography and as a member of the PIRATA Science Steering Group and CLIVAR’s Atlantic Region Panel.

1999, B.A. Physics, Colby College, Waterville, ME

2003, Ph. D. Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Dissertation title: Tropical Atlantic Seasonal Variability

  1. Balaguru, K., C.-C. Chang, L.R. Leung, G.R. Foltz, S.M. Hagos, M.F. Wehner, J.P. Kossin, M. Ting, and W. Xu. A global increase in nearshore tropical cyclone intensification. Earth’s Future, 12(5):e2023EF004230, 2024
    Ref. 4415
  2. Chiodi, A.M., H. Hristova, G.R. Foltz, J.A. Zhang, C.W. Mordy, C.R. Edwards, C. Zhang, C. Meinig, D. Zhang, E. Mazza, E.D. Cokelet, E.F. Burger, F. Bringas, G. Goni, H.-S. Kim, S. Chen, J. Trinanes, K. Bailey, K.M. O’Brien, M. Morales-Caez, N. Lawrence-Slavas, S.S. Chen, and X. Chen. Surface ocean warming near the core of Hurricane Sam and its representation in forecast models. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1297974, 2024
    Ref. 4377
  3. Goes, M., S. Dong, G.R. Foltz, G. Goni, D.L. Volkov, and I. Wainer. Modulation of western South Atlantic marine heatwaves by meridional ocean heat transport. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 129(3):e2023JC019715, 2024
    Ref. 4390

Department of Commerce Gold Medal 2022

For the successful experimental application of uncrewed surface vehicles, i.e., saildrones, to observe conditions in Atlantic tropical cyclones.

Department of Commerce Bronze Medal 2022

For scientific achievement in the design and implementation of the complex Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign.

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Early Career Scientist Award 2015

For outstanding research in the earth and space sciences and for international research cooperation.