Photos of AOML researchers and interns at Ocean Sampling Day sites in Ft. Lauderdale, the Florida Keys, and La Jolla, California. Photo credit: NOAA
An AOML intern rinses out a bucket used to collect water samples for Ocean Sampling Day 2014. Image credit: NOAA
AOML interns prepare a bucket to be used to collect water samples on Ocean Sampling Day 2014. Image credit: NOAA
A student collects water samples for Ocean Sampling Day near Port Everglades, Florida. Image credit: NOAA
An AOML intern scoops up a water sample on Ocean Sampling Day 2014 in the Florida Keys. Image credit: NOAA
Two AOML interns work to collect a sample off the Florida Keys on Ocean Sampling Day 2014. Image credit: NOAA
Dr. Chris Sinigalliano tests the water quality with a portable YSI meter. Image credit: NOAA
Water samples are filtered at AOML’s Environmental Microbiology Lab in Miami, Florida. Image credit: NOAA
Filtered samples collected on Ocean Sampling Day are placed in a bag to be frozen and shipped for analysis. Image credit: NOAA
Ocean Sampling Day data is uploaded to the myOSD app by AOML scientist Kelly Goodwin in La Jolla, California. Image credit: NOAA