AOML scientists have returned from the third Gulf of Mexico Ecosystems and Carbon Cycle cruise (GOMECC-3), which took place to perform a large-scale survey of ocean acidification trends and dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico aboard NOAA ship Ronald H. Brown from July 18 through August 21, 2017. This research cruise was just one part of a larger effort supported by the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program to better understand how ocean chemistry along all the U.S. coasts is changing in response to ocean acidification and where marine organisms may be at greatest risk. For more infomation, visit the cruise blog here.
Photo credit: NOAA
Image Captions
From Left:
- Many oil rigs were seen during the sampling of the Louisiana Line. Image credit: NOAA
- Scientists collecting water samples from the Niskin bottles. Image credit: NOAA
- Bongo plankton tow nets ready to be deployed. Image credit: NOAA
- CTD cast in progress aboard GOMECC cruise. Photo Credit: NOAA.
- Water sample collected to be analyzed for dissolved oxygen. Image credit: NOAA
- The GOMECC-3 science team. Image credit: NOAA