Research Interests
Numerical weather prediction.
Impact of novel observations on NWP skill.
Tropical meteorology.
Satellite observations.
Michael Mueller, Ph.D.
Project Scientist (UCAR), Hurricane Research Division
UCAR Foothills Lab 3
3450 Mitchell Ln
Boulder, Colorado 80301
Dr. Michael Mueller’s current research focuses on evaluating the impact of new and proposed observations on numerical weather model forecasts. Most of his work is conducted using a global analysis and forecasting system to test how satellite-based observations impact short- to medium-range forecasts (0-10 days) on global and hemispheric scales. Within these global forecast datasets, he also tracks tropical cyclones to find out whether these added observations improve tropical cyclone forecasts. Work on proposed observations and observation architectures is the most rewarding to Michael because the results he finds play a role in deciding (1) which instruments are included in the next-generation global observing system and (2) how to best leverage those observations through data assimilation.
2013, Ph.D., Meteorology, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO
2010, M.S., Meteorology, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO
2007, B.S., Meteorology, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO
- Mueller, M.J., B. Annane, S.M. Leidner, and L. Cucurull. Impact of CYGNSS-derived winds on tropical cyclone forecasts in a global and regional model. Monthly Weather Review, 149(10):3433-3447, 2021
Ref. 4008
Mueller, M.J., A. C. Kren, L. Cucurull, R. Atlas, R. Hoffman, G. Ge, and T. Peevey, 2020: Impact of refractivity profiles from a proposed GNSS-RO constellation on tropical cyclone forecasts in a global modeling system. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 3037-3057,
Cucurull, L. and M.J. Mueller, 2020: An analysis of alternatives for the COSMIC-2 constellation in the context of global observing system simulation experiments. Wea. Forecasting, 35, 51–66,
Cucurull, L., M.J. Mueller, R. Atlas, R. Hoffman, and A.C. Kren, 2018: An observing system simulation experiment with a constellation of radio occultation satellites. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 4247–4259,