Bachir Annane

Headshot of Bachir Annane. Photo credit, NOAA AOML.

Bachir Annane, Ph.D.

Senior Research Associate III (University of Miami/CIMAS), Hurricane Research Division


4301 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, Florida 33149

Dr. Bachir Annane is a Senior Research Associate III with the University of Miami’s Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) and AOML’s Hurricane Research Division.

Current Work

Senior Research Associate III (University of Miami/CIMAS), Hurricane Research Division

  1. Annane, B., and L.J. Gramer. Influence of CyGNSS L2 wind data on tropical cyclone analysis and forecasts in the coupled HAFS/HYCOM system. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12:1418158, 2024
    Ref. 4459
  2. Al-Khaldi, M.M., S. Gleason, J.T. Johnson, R. Balasubramaniam, C.S. Ruf, D.S. McKague, B. Annane, T. Wang, A. Russel, and D. Twigg. Using synthetic cyclone models for high wind GNSS-R calibration, validation, and algorithm development: A CYGNSS case study. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61:5801911, 2023
    Ref. 4291
  3. Huang, F., J.L. Garrison, S.M. Leidner, B. Annane, R.N. Hoffman, G. Grieco, and A. Stoffelen. A forward model for data assimilation of GNSS ocean reflectometry delayed-Doppler maps. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(3):2643-2656, 2021
    Ref. 3864

2007 Army Corps of Engineers Patriotic Civilian Service Award

In recognition of participation on the Hurricane Katrina Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force.