Ana Maria Palacio

Headshot of Ana Maria Palacio of AOML. 690px

Research Highlights

Research Interests

Global change effects in corals and coral reefs, particularly ocean warming and acidification.

Coral reefs resilience to interactive local and global stressor.

Genetic bases of coral resistance and resilience to diseases .

Ana Maria Palacio, Ph.D.

Assistant Scientist, Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division

4301 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, Florida 33149

“Solving the threats that coral reefs face requires that the community of scientists, managers, and stakeholders keep sharing and discussing their research so we can act quickly to protect these ecosystems.”

Dr. Palacio is a biologist interested in the future of our oceans. Her main focus of research has been how ocean warming, acidification, and pollution affect corals, causing coral bleaching and mortality. She also identifies environmental and genetic factors that promote more resistant corals that could survive in our fast changing world. Ana uses a combination of fieldwork and laboratory experiments to better understand corals’ susceptibility and tolerance to these stressors. She collects small coral samples during expeditions and experiments, which she then analyzes with molecular techniques and bioinformatic tools.

Current Work

Assistant Scientist, Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division

Download Full CV

2019, Ph.D. Marine Biology & Ecology, RSMAS, U. Miami, Virginia Key, FL

2010, B.S. Biology, Universidad de Antioquia Colombia

  1. Enochs, I.C., N. Soderberg, A. Palacio, and K. Eaton. Sequential Treatment Application Robot (STAR) for high-replication marine experimentation. HardwareX, 18:e00524, 2024
    Ref. 4399
  2. Serrano, X.M., S.M. Rosales, M.W. Miller, A.M. Palacio-Castro, O.M. Williamson, A. Gomez, and A.C. Baker. Sediment source and dose influence the larval performance of the threatened coral Orbicella faveolata. PLoS ONE, 19(6):e0292474, 2024
    Ref. 4426
  3. Webb, A.E., A.M. Palacio-Castro, K. Cooke, K.R. Eaton, B. Chomitz, N. Soderberg, M. Chakraborty, Z. Zagon, A. Boyd, P.M. Kiel, A. Demerlis, C.T. Perry, and I.C. Enochs. Rubble persistence under ocean acidification threatened by accelerated bioerosion and lower-density coral skeletons. Global Change Biology, 30(6):e17371, 2024
    Ref. 4423

OAR Team Members of the Year – Outreach and Education 2023

For exemplary response to the unexpected and unprecedented 2023 coral bleaching event in South Florida and their efforts to communicate the event to the American public.

ECOPETROL Bachilleres por Colombia Colombian Oil Company full scholarship to get an undergraduate degree, 2003-2010

SIGUEME Full tuition fellowship for an exchange year at University of Valle, Cali, Colombia, 2006-2007

ECAES 5th highest score in the ECAES National Biology Tests (similar to Biology-subject GRE) 2009

COLCIENCIAS Colombian Science and Technology Department full scholarship to study PhD program abroad 2012-2017
David Rowland Fellowship to run real time PCR study 2017

US National Research Council. Postdoctoral fellowship to work with scientists at NOAA- AOML on coral diseases 2019-2020