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Extratropical Transition
Principal Investigator
Sim Aberson (AOML/HRD)
Collaborating Scientists
Objective :
Improvement of forecasts of the transition of tropical cyclones
to extratropical cyclones.
- targeting observations of opportunity such as dropwindsondes from
various platforms to those regions most likely to positive impact the
specific forecast
- obtain a number of snapshots of a cyclone undergoing transition
- provide improved environmental data sets for other research projects.
Methods :
This will be accomplished by:
- conducting Observing Systems Experiments (OSEs)
- obtaining over-sampled data sets to test targeting strategies
- synoptic examination of the data
Accomplishments :
- Created a comprehensive plan, in coordination with
to obtain data on extratropical transition during the 2003
hurricane season and for the THORPEX Pacific Area Regional Campaign.
- Three P-3 flights into Tropical Storm Odette (2003) and two into
Tropical Storm Ophelia (2005) successfully gathered data, and initial
analysis completed.
FY08 proposed milestones :
- Continue analysis of Noel, Odette, Ophelia, and Hurricane Michelle cases.
- Plan and participate in THORPEX Pacific Area Regional Campaign.
References :
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Last modified: 05/10/2005