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Hurricane Impacts
Principal Investigators:
Sim Aberson
Peter Dodge
Shirley Murillo
Mark D. Powell
Rob Rogers
At AOML's Hurricane Research Division we seek to contribute to NOAA
performance objectives to:
- Increase lead time and accuracy for hurricane warnings and forecasts,
- Improve predictability of the onset, duration, and impact of hurricanes,
- Transition our science and technology to operations and services,
- Work with public and private partners to integrate diverse sets of
tropical cyclone observations and create products for decision support, risk
evaluation, impact assessment and disaster recovery.
Tropical cyclone impacts in the Atlantic, eastern Pacific, and Central Pacific
basins are carefully monitored in near-realtime through an adaptive observing
system comprised of of NOAA and Air Force reconnaissance aircraft, visible,
microwave, and scatterometer measurements from space, and conventional data
transmitted from ships, buoys, and land-based stations. AOML scientists
conduct near real-time analyses and develop experimental products to convey
the extent and magnitude of the impact (with associated uncertainties) using
an integrated observation analysis system (H*Wind). The experimental
H*Wind products are contained in a public archive in graphical and gridded
format and have been used by a diverse group of scientists and other users for
a wide variety of research, decision-support, and
recovery activities.
Tropical cyclone rainfall and its associated flooding is seen as a leading
cause of hurricane related deaths. AOML scientists use land and aircraft based
Doppler radars, together with satellite measurements from the TRMM instruments,
to develop a tropical cyclone climatology and persistence rainfall prediction
model. This model had been recently transitioned to operations at NOAA's
Tropical Prediction Center. Current work focuses on developing new methods
to evaluate rainfall forecasts from numerical tropical cyclone prediction
models and testing different cloud and precipitation microphysics
parameterizations to improve model rainfall predictions.
NOAA's coastal and airborne Doppler radars have unique geometric coverage
overlaps and sampling strategies that allow extraction of tropical cyclone
wind information that can be combined with other data sources to improve the
analysis of the wind and mass fields. Working with partners from NCAR,
AOML scientists developed the the Ground-based Velocity Track Display
(GBVTD) method to extract two dimensional wind fields from single Doppler
radars and have also conducted dual Doppler analyses for hurricane landfall
cases. The realtime 3D airborne Doppler radar analyses conducted onboard
the NOAA P3 aircraft provide critical information to fill data voids in H*WInd
analyses and also provide information needed to conduct data assimilation for
to initialize the new generation of numerical forecast models.
AOML's expertise in understanding hurricane impacts has led to a partnership
with the State of Florida to work with several universities to develop the
first public hurricane risk model. AOML leads the development of the
Meteorological component of the model which was certified by the Florida
Commission on Property Loss Projection Methodology in August of 2007. The
model is used to assist the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation by providing
a baseline estimate of average annual insured loss at the county and zip code
levels. All model components and results are transparent and open to public
Hurricanes at Landfall
Ground-Based Velocity Track Display
Microphysics study
Extratropical Transition
Hurricane risk model
Hurricane Surface winds
Hurricane Impacts Publications by AOML/HRD
- Powell, M. D. and T. A. Reinhold, 2007: Tropical cyclone destructive
potential by Integrated Kinetic Energy, Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc.,
87, 513-526.
- Rogers, R. F., M. L. Black. S. S. Chen, and R. A. Black, 2007: An
Evaluation of Microphysics Fields from Mesoscale Model Simulations of
Tropical Cyclones. Pat I: Comparisons with Observations. J. Atmos. Sci.,
64, 1811-1834.
- Lonfat, M., R. Rogers, F. Marks, Jr., and T. Marchok, 2007: A Parametric
Model for Predicting Hurricane Rainfall. Mon. Wea. Rev., 135,
- Marchok, T., R. Rogers, and R. Tuleya, 2007: Validation Schemes for
Tropical Cyclone Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts: Evaluation of
Operational Models for U.S. Landfalling Cases. Wea. and Forec.,
22, 726-746.
- Rogers, R., S. Aberson, M. Black, P. Black, J. Cione, P. Dodge, J. Gamache,
J. Kaplan, M. Powell, N. Shay, N. Surgi, E. Uhlhorn, 2006: The Intensity
Forecasting Experiment, Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc.,87, 1523-1537.
- Graber, H. C., V. J. Cardone, R. E. Jensen, D. N. Slinn, S. C. Hagen,
A. T. Cox, M. D. Powell, and C. Grassi, 2006: Coastal forecasts and storm
surge predictionsfor tropical cyclones: A timely partnership program.
Oceanography, 19, 130-141.
- Blank, J. A. Knaff, and J. Kaplan, 2006: On the decay of tropical cyclone
winds crossing narrow landmasses. J. Appl. Meteor., 45, 491-499.
- Powell, M. D., G. Soukup, S. Cocke, S. Gulati, N. Morisseau-Leroy,
S. Hamid, N. Dorst, and L. Axe, 2005: State of Florida hurricane loss
projection model: Atmospheric science component. J. Wind Engineer. and
Indust. Aerodyn., 93, 651-674.
- Powell, M. D. and S. D. Abesron, 2001: Accuracy of United States tropical
cyclone landfall forecasts in the Atlantic basin 1976-2000., Bull. Amer.
Meteo. Soc.,82, 2749-2767.
- Kaplan, J., and M. DeMaria, 2001:On the decay of tropical cyclone
winds after landfall in the New England area. J. Appl. Meteor.,
40, 280-286.
Powell, M. D., S. H. Houston, and T. A. Reinhold, 1996:
Hurricane Andrew's Landfall in South Florida. Part I:
Standardizing measurements for documentation of surface wind
fields.Wea. Forecast., 11, 304-328
Powell, M. D., and S. H. Houston, 1996: Hurricane Andrew's
Landfall in South Florida. Part II: Surface Wind Fields and
Potential Real-time Applications. Wea. Forecast.,
11, 329-349
- Kaplan, J., and M. DeMaria, 1995: A simple empirical model for predicting
the decay of tropical cyclone winds after landfall. J. Appl. Meteor.,
34, 2499-2512.
- Marks, F. D., 1990: Radar observations of tropical weather
systems, Radar in Meteorology, D. Atlas, ed, American
Meteorological Society, Boston, 401--425.