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Subject: E7) What is the farthest a tropical cyclone has traveled ?

Contributed by Neal Dorst (HRD) and Sandy Delgado (NHC)

Here are lists of the longest path lengths (rounded off) for four basins. These paths are based on distance traveled from the first advisory where a circulation was detected until the last advisory while the system was still considered a 'tropical cyclone'.

FAITH (1966) 127006860
ALBERTO (2000) 106705760
STORM 3 (1899) 104205630
STORM 2 (1930) 101305470
IVAN (2004) 99655380
STORM 3 (1853) 97705275
CLEO (1964) 96605215
Basin average 2778 1500
East Pacific
Central Pacific
JOHN (1994)* 13180 7115
DORA (1999)* 10390 5610
FICO (1978) 8710 4705
OLIWA (1997)* 8470 4590
DANIEL (2000) 8100 4375
GUILLERMO (1997) 80554350
Basin average 2190 1180
* track extended into western Pacific
West Pacific
FAYE (1965) 8750 4700
NANCY (1961) 8110 4380
PARMA (2003) 7600 4100
MIREILLE (1991) 7300 3940
WYNNE (1987) 7275 3925
Basin average 2630 1420
Supplied by Digital Typhoon database
South Pacific
REWA (1993) 8920 4790
MADGE (1972) 6110 3280
MARCELLE (1972) 5350 2875
BERTHA (1958) 4795 2575
IDYLLE (1978) 4790 2570
Basin average ---- ----
Supplied by Digital Typhoon database

Last updated May 25, 2016

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