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Subject: B3) What storm names have been retired?
Kindly provided by Gary Padgett, Jack Beven (NHC), James Lewis Free (CSC), and Sandy Delgado (NHC).
In the Atlantic basin, tropical cyclone names are "retired" (that
is, not to be used again for a new storm) if it is deemed to be quite
noteworthy because of the damage and/or deaths it caused. This is to
prevent confusion with a historically well-known cyclone with a
current one in the Atlantic basin. Sometimes names are removed for other
reasons, such as cultural considerations or politics. The following list
gives the names that have been retired and the year of the storm in question.
Retired hurricane names Atlantic
Audrey 1957, Agnes 1972, Anita 1977,
Allen 1980, Alicia 1983, Andrew 1992, Allison 2001
| Betsy 1965, Beulah 1967, Bob 1991
| Connie 1955, Carla 1961, Cleo 1964,
Carol 1965, Camille 1969, Celia 1970,
Carmen 1974, Cesar 1996, Charley 2004
| Diane 1955, Donna 1960, Dora 1964, David 1979, Diana 1990, Dennis 2005,
Dean 2007
| Edna 1968, Eloise 1975, Elena 1985, Erika 2015
| Flora 1963, Fifi 1974, Frederic 1979, Fran 1996,
Floyd 1999, Fabian 2003, Frances 2004, Felix 2007, Florence 2018
| Greta 1978, Gloria 1985, Gilbert 1988, Georges 1998, Gustav 2008
| Hazel 1954, Hattie 1961, Hilda 1964, Hugo 1989, Hortense 1996, Harvey 2017
| Ione 1955, Inez 1966, Iris 2001, Isidore 2002, Isabel 2003, Ivan 2004,
Ike 2008, Igor 2010, Irene 2011, Ingrid 2013, Irma 2017
| Janet 1955, Joan 1988, Juan 2003, Jeanne 2004, Joaquin 2015
| Klaus 1990, Keith 2000, Katrina 2005
| Luis 1995, Lenny 1999, Lili 2002
| Marilyn 1995, Mitch 1998, Michelle 2001,Matthew 2016, Maria 2017, Michael 2018
| Noel 2007, Nate 2017
| Opal 1995,Otto 2016
| Paloma 2008
| Roxanne 1995, Rita 2005
| Stan 2005, Sandy 2012
| Tomas 2010
| Wilma 2005
Name retired because of previous storm in 1954
with the same name.
Although rarer, some East Pacific names have been retired
from the list. The climatology of this basin has most hurricanes
moving away from the shore, so chances are rare that these
storms would adversely affect people necessitating the name
be retired.
Retired hurricane names East Pacific
Adele 1970, Adolph 2001, Alma 2008
| Fico 1978, Fefa 1991
| Hazel 1965
| Iva 1988, Ismael 1995, Israel 2001, Isis 2016
| Knut 1988, Kenna 2002
| Manuel 2013
| Odile 2014
| Pauline 1997, Patricia 2015
Name retired because of political considerations
A few Central Pacific names have been retired from their list.
Most of them were removed for inflicting damage or adversely affecting
the Hawai'ian Islands. However, some have moved into the western Pacific
to cause destructions, prompting their retirement.
Retired hurricane names Central Pacific
Iwa 1982, Iniki 1992, Ioke 2006
| Paka 1997
Names retired before the 2000 season come from the name lists used
by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Since 2000, the names removed
come from the name lists used by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
Most of the retired names inflicted significant damage to the nations
Retired typhoon names Western Pacific
Bess 1974, Bess 1982, Bilis 2006, Bopha 2012
| Chanchu 2006, Chataan 2002
| Durian 2006
| Fanapi 2010, Fitow 2013
| Hanuman 2002, Haiyan 2013, Halma 2016
| Ike 1984, Imbudo 2003
| Karen 1962, Ketsana 2009, Kodo 2002, Koppu 2015
| Lucille 1960, Longwang 2005
| Maemi 2003, Matsa 2005, Mike 1990, Mireille 1991, Morakot 2009, Mujigae 2015, Melor 2015, Meranti 2016
| Nabi 2005, Nock-ten 2016
| Ophelia 1960, Omar 1992
| Parma 2009, Pongsona 2002
| Rananim 2004, Roy 1988, Rusa 2002, Rammasun 2014
| Saomai 2006, Sudal 2004, Sonamu 2013, Soudelor 2015, Sarika 2016
| Thelma 1991, Tingting 2004
| Utor 2013
| Vamei 2001, Vicente 2012
| Washi 2011
| Xangsane 2006
| Yanyan 2004
Bess 1974 was retired after the season and replaced
with Bonnie. In 1979, new name lists featuring both sexes were introduced
and Bess was added back. In 1982, Bess was again retired and replaced with
Retired before being used
Last revised June 20, 2019
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