Improvement of tropical cyclone forecasts through improvement
of initial conditions for numerical weather prediction models by:
Aberson, S.D., and J.L. Franklin, 1999: Impact on hurricane track and
intensity forecasts of GPS dropwindsonde observations from the
first-season flights of the NOAA Gulfstream-IV jet aircraft. Bull.
Amer. Met. Soc., 80, 421-428.
Aberson, S.D., 2002: Two years of operational hurricane synoptic
surveillance. Wea. Forecasting, 17, 1101-1110.
Aberson, S.D., 2003: Targeted observations to improve operational
tropical cyclone track forecast guidance. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
131, 1613-1628.
Wu, C.-C., P.-H. Lin, S.D. Aberson, T.-C. Yeh, W.-P. Huang, K.-H. Chou,
J.-S. Hong, G.-C. Lu, C.-T. Fong, K.-C. Hsu, I.-I. Lin, P.-L. Lin, and
C.-H. Liu, 2005: Dropsonde observations for typhoon surveillance near the
Taiwan region (DOTSTAR): An overview. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc.,
86, 787-790.
Aberson, S.D., and B. Etherton, 2006: Targeting and data assimilation
studies during Hurricane Humberto (2001). J. Atmos. Sci.,
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Majumdar, S. J., S.D. Aberson, C. H. Buizza, M.S. Peng, and C. A. Reynolds,
2006: A comparison of Adaptive Observing Guidance for Atlantic Tropical
Cyclones, Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 2354-2372.
Aberson, S.D., 2007: Large forecast degradations due to synoptic
surveillance during the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons. Accepted by
Mon. Wea. Rev.
Reynolds, C.A., M.S. Peng, S.J. Majumdar, S.D. Aberson, C.H. Bishop, and
R. Buizza, 2007: Interpretation of adaptive observing guidance for
Atlantic tropical cyclones. Accepted by Mon. Wea. Rev.
Wu, C.-C., K.-H. Chou, P.-S. Lin, S.D. Aberson, M.S. Peng, and T.
Nakazawa, 2007: The impact of dropsonde data on typhoon track
forecasting in DOTSTAR. Accepted by Wea. Forecast.