Hurricane Research Division data rescue projectPrinciple Instigator:
Neal Dorst (HRD) Purpose
The National Hurricane Research Project (NHRP) began field programs in 1956, and has continued doing so since that time under various other organizational names. Much of the data collected prior to the acquisition of the Orion P-3s in 1975 and 1976 was in analog format, such as film and paper. This makes retrieval and copying of this information difficult. In addition, the original material is very vulnerable to environmental assault and normal degradation through time. Some of the data from this era were stored on magnetic media, but have become unavailable due to degredation. The National Center for Data and Climate (NCDC) has instituted the Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) to help other NOAA offices digitize such datasets. The Hurricane Research Division (HRD) of the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorlogical Laboratory has been granted CDMP funds for the last four fiscal years to help transfer its film records onto digital media, which provides back-up to the original source material, preserves the records from degradation, and makes using and sharing the information easier. Results
FY04 Achievements
FY06 Achievements
Last modified: 5/22/2007 |
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