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Hurricane Rita wind field evolution
Team Leaders:
Robert Rogers (AOML/HRD)
Eric Uhlhorn (AOML/HRD)
Team members:
Peter Dodge (AOML/HRD)
John Gamache (AOML/HRD)
Frank Marks (AOML/HRD)
Shirley Murillo (AOML/HRD)
George Soukup (AOML/HRD)
The purpose of this project is to examine the evolution of the wind
field of Hurricane Rita (2005) as it evolved from a primarily symmetric storm
to a storm with concentric eyewalls and finally to a storm becoming highly
asymmetric as it made landfall in the northwest Gulf of Mexico.
Used a combination of flight-level and surface wind measurements from the
Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) to document the changes in the
azimuthal location of the peak winds over time, and how those changes reflect
changes in the vortex and its environment. The observations showed that the
magnitude and azimuthal location (i.e., phase) of the peak asymmetry varied at
both levels during the three days observed. The phase of the asymmetry at both
levels was aligned to the right of storm track on the first day of sampling.
By the third day, the phase of the asymmetry at both levels remained to the
right of storm track, but there was a phase shift of nearly 45 degrees between
the surface and flight-level. Such a change in the phase resulted in
significant azimuthal variations in the surface to flight-level ratio of peak
winds over the three days sampled. The locations of the radii of maximum winds
at the surface and flight-level, indicative of the eyewall slope, also varied
over time, indicating a vortex whose tilt was increasing over time. For some
parameters, e.g., the phase of the wind asymmetries and ratio of peak winds,
the measurements are consistent with previous modeling and observational
studies, while for other parameters, e.g., the magnitude of the asymmetries
and the evolution of the asymmetry phase, they are not fully explained by
previous studies or have never been observed. These differences suggest that
other processes are occurring in the storm.
This work will be extended by including the airborne Doppler radar winds
and dropsonde measurements and incorporating high-resolution numerical model
simulations to provide temporal continuity. Attention will be focused on the
role of vertical shear in driving the azimuthal wind asymmetries, and on the
role of these asymmetries in determining the impact of encroaching dry air.
Rogers, R.F., and E.W. Uhlhorn, 2007: Observations of the three-dimensional
structure and evolution of wind asymmetries in Hurricane Rita (2005).
Geophysical Res. Lett., In review.
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Last modified: 8/28/2007