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DC-6 data files

NOAA's Hurricane Research Division has flight level data from 1960 to 1975 from the DC-6s and other NOAA aircraft. Most data was recorded at one second intervals (but some is at longer or irregular intervals ) during reconnaissance missions into hurricanes and other tropical weather.

These files are in comma-delimited ASCII format. Each file starts with a header line listing abbreviations for each parameter in the order of their occurance. Each data line following contains the mission ID, storm name, date the flight data was processed, time for the entry, and several meteorological and navigational parameters. Over the years the names of the parameters have varied, as has the instrumentation. Below is a key to the shorthand abbreviations for various parameters.

Parameter name
Abbreviation Parameter Units
FLIGHT ID or FLTID Flight Identifier
(See table below)
STORM NAME Project or Storm Name
PROCESSED DATE Date flight data processed YYYYMMDD
RATE Data recording rate Seconds
TIME Time of Day (UTC) Hours:Minutes:Seconds
HDG Heading degrees
THD True Heading degrees
TRK Track degrees
DRF Drift angle degrees
LAT Latitude degrees (+ N, - S)
LON Longitude degrees (+ E, - W)
WD or DD or DDD Wind Direction degrees (0° due North)
WS or FF or FFF Wind Speed knots
TV Vortex Tube Temperature °C
TR or TP Rosemount Temperature °C
TD Dew Point Temperature °C
ROLL or RL Aircraft roll degrees
PTCH Pitch degrees
TAS True Air Speed knots
CAS Corrected Air Speed knots
PRES Static Pressure millibars
HUM or IRH Relative Humidity per cent
RA Radar Altitude meters
PA Pressure Altitude meters
DVAL D-value (RA-PA) meters
DPR or DPRES Dynamic Pressure millibars
GS Ground Speed knots
PAC Pressure Altitude Corrected meters
DTC Distance Travel Count nautical
Liquid Water Content g/m3 or counts
HYG Hygrometer counts
ICE Ice Detector Binary

Flight Identifier
YYYY Year this flight starts
MM Month this flight starts
DD Day this flight starts
P Aircraft Designation
  • A - N6539C DC-6
  • B - N6540C DC-6
  • C - N1005 B-57
  • D - N800W B-26
  • E - N91282 C-54
  • F - N6541RF C-130
  • H - N42RF P-3
  • I - N43RF P-3
  • N - NASA CV-990
N Number of sortie for this aircraft and day

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