Post Storm Wind Analyses
To find the Real Time versions of these analyses click here.
The Wind Analyses on this website are for research purposes only. These are products created by NOAA's Hurricane Research Division. For official National Weather Service products go to the NWS website.
Any use of these data are subject to the provisions of HRD's Data Policy and by using these data the user agrees to this policy. Scientific publications using these H*Wind products should cite one or more of these papers.
H*Wind analyses are based on actual wind measurements collected in the storm over a 4-6 hour period. The geographic domain, time window, weighting and smoothing are carefully chosen to result in a wind field product representative of the storm intensity at the time of the analysis. Since it is impossible for observations to completely cover an entire storm, there is a chance that a small portion of the storm containing the highest winds was not sampled. Read More
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For the main H*Wind page click here.
For background information on the surface wind analyses click here
If you have problems downloading H*Wind analyses from the FTP site, click here.
For format information on the gridded surface wind analyses click here
Note on using H*Wind fields for storm surge and wave modeling...
Wind Swaths
1200 Z
0900 Z
0600 Z
0300 Z
0000 Z
2100 Z
1800 Z
1500 Z
1200 Z
0900 Z
0600 Z
0300 Z
0000 Z
2100 Z
1800 Z
1500 Z
1200 Z
0900 Z
0600 Z
0300 Z
0000 Z
2100 Z
1800 Z
1500 Z
1200 Z
0900 Z
0600 Z
0300 Z
0000 Z
2100 Z
1800 Z
1500 Z
1200 Z
0900 Z
0600 Z
0300 Z
0000 Z
2258 Z
2100 Z
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