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Colin 2016 sondes

Below are listings of transmitted sonde data from reconnaissance aircraft missions into Colin along with PDFs of synoptic plots of the dropsonde data. Also are pages showing the key and examples of the FRD, HSA, AVAPS and TEMPDROP formats.

FRD,CAT formats
HSA format
AVAPS format

June 05, 2016
USAF 307 (0103A) 15:45-22:31Z Reconnaissance Plots TEMPDROP
NOAA 49 (WA03A) 19:34-02:50Z TC Shear FRD Catalog AVAPS Plots HSA TEMPDROP
June 06, 2016
USAF 307 (0203A) 03:20-12:30Z Reconnaissance Plots TEMPDROP
NOAA 49 (WB03A) 06:30-13:42Z TC Shear FRD Catalog AVAPS Plots HSA TEMPDROP
USAF 307 (0303A) 16:13-20:38Z Reconnaissance Plots TEMPDROP
June 07, 2016
USAF 303 (0403A) 03:53-10:10Z Reconnaissance Plots TEMPDROP

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