Alberto 2012 sondes
Important Notice about dropsonde data:
A dry bias in the RD94 and mini dropsonde (NRD94) humidity measurements has been discovered, which existed ftom 2010 to 2015. This document describes the background of the dry bias, how to identify impacted files, how to correct existing data, and how to implement a correction in AVAPS. ASPEN version 3.3-236 is used to correct this dry bias both in reprocessing of existing data as well as in real time data acquisition within AVAPS.
Below are listings of transmitted sonde data from reconnaissance aircraft
missions into Alberto along with PDFs of synoptic plots of the dropsonde
data. Also are pages showing the key and examples of the FRD, HSA, AVAPS
and TEMPDROP formats.
FRD,CAT formats
HSA format
AVAPS format
DOPPLER links to doppler/dropsonde graphs
May 20, 2012
USAF 302 (0101A)
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