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Hugo 1989 radar data

Airborne radar data

September 15, 1989

Individual sweeps
(aircraft relative)

Animated radar

tar'd and gzipped single frame GIFs

tar'd and gzipped sweep data

Individual sweeps
(storm relative)

Animated radar

tar'd and gzipped single frame GIFs

tar'd and gzipped sweep data

September 15, 1989

Individual sweeps
(aircraft relative)

Animated radar

tar'd and gzipped single frame GIFs

tar'd and gzipped sweep data

Individual sweeps
(storm relative)

Animated radar

tar'd and gzipped single frame GIFs

tar'd and gzipped sweep data

September 17, 1989

Composite 1712 - 1946 UTC

Composite 1808 - 1822 UTC

Composite 2144 - 2156 UTC

Velocities at 3.5 km 1746 - 1947 UTC

Tail single sweep 1923 UTC

LF reflectivity and velocity
1913 - 1938 UTC

Tail reflectivity and velocity
1913 - 1938 UTC

September 22, 1989
Landfall CHS radar

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Last Updated March 8, 2013.

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