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Services to Support the Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project

Principal Investigators:

Project Members:

Collaborating Scientists:

Robert Gall (HRD/CIMAS)

AOML/HRD research scientists

NCEP/EMC HWRF team scientists

Funding Information:

Funding Period: 1 October 2013-30 September 2015


Our overall objective is for CIMAS and its collaborating groups to further advance the capabilities, accuracies and reliability of numerical hurricane forecasting in FY14-15 under HFIP. To achieve this objective, we will focus on (1) experimenting with alternative physics packages; (2) exploring the assimilation of satellite data through regional OSSE system; (3) implementing new capabilities in the operational HWRF model; (4) collaborating with NWS and other federal scientists, and research scientists from other organizations on furthering HFIP’s plans and objectives; (5) managing the technical aspects and R2O and O2R transitions of the HFIP program. 

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