Hurricane Surface Winds
Principal Investigator:
Project Members:
Objectives:To support projects associated with improved analysis of surface wind fields in tropical cyclones. Projects for FY-04 include Army Corps of Engineers, NOPP, and HPCC funded efforts.
- First ever realtime tower data into realtime tropical cyclone wind field analysis
- First ever feed of wind swath data to realtime damage assessment HAZUS software at FEMA.
- High frequency, large domain wind field snapshots for Hurricanes Betsy 1965, Lili (2002) and Isidore (2002).
- Over 100 realtime analyses of 2003 season tropical cyclones.
- Technical review panel final report to Army Corps of Engineers on ADCIRC model for New Orleans District.
- Technical guidance to National Institute of Building Sciences and FEMA for HAZUS via the Wind Committee.
Future Goals:
- Web version of H*Wind, assistance to FEMA for future TC landfall events, MOU with Dominion Power to support future landfall events.
Project Links:
- Houston, S. H., W. A. Shaffer, M. D. Powell, and J. Chen, 1999: Comparisons of HRD and SLOSH surface wind fields in hurricanes: Implications for storm surge and wave modeling. Wea. Forecast., 14, 671-686.
- Powell, M. D., and S. H. Houston, 1999: Comments on "A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part I: Explicit simulation and verification." Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 1706-1710.
- Coauthor, NRC Committee Report: 1999: Review of the need for a large-scale test facility for research on the effects of extreme winds on structures. National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington D. C. ISBN-0-309-06483-X.
- Powell, M. D., S. H. Houston, L. R. Amat, and N Morisseau-Leroy, 1998: The HRD real-time hurricane wind analysis system. J. Wind Engineer. and Indust. Aerodyn. 77&78, 53-64
- Powell, M. D., and S. H. Houston, 1998: Surface wind fields of 1995 Hurricanes Erin, Opal, Luis, Marilyn, and Roxanne at landfall. Mon Wea. Rev., 126, 1259-1273.
- Coauthor, USWRP PDT-5 Report, 1998: Tropical Cyclones: Forecast problems and associated research opportunities. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., Vol.79, No.2 , 305-323
- Coauthor, USWRP PDT-3 Report, 1997: Coastal Meteorology and Oceanography: Report of the third prospectus Development team of the USWRP to NOAA and NSF. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., Vol.77, No. , 1578-1585
- Powell, M. D., S. H.Houston, and T. A. Reinhold, 1996: Hurricane Andrew's Landfall in South Florida. Part I: Standardizing measurements for documentation of surface wind fields. Weather Forecast., 11, 304-328.
- Powell, M. D., and S. H. Houston, 1996: Hurricane Andrew's Landfall in South Florida. Part II: Surface Wind Fields and Potential Real-time Applications. Weather. Forecast., 11, 329-349.
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