NOAA/AOML XBT Network - Ocean Current Analysis

XBT Analysis - Florida Current variability at 27°N

This webpage provides access to geostrophic velocity estimates at the Florida Straits, across the Florida Current, and to its corresponding time-series of baroclinic geostrophic transport.

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The Florida Current

Location of the AX_WBTS realizations, sswhich were used to compute the Florida Current variability at 27°N, overlaid on the (left) Mean Dynamic Topography, and (right) Mean Geostrophic Velocity from the MDT_CNES-CLS09 climatology.


Florida Current mean velocity and standard deviation (27°N)

(left) Mean baroclinic geostrophic velocity across 27°N computed using 83 AX_WBTS realizations, and its (right) standard deviation. (lower) Time-series for the Florida Current baroclinic transport accross 27°N (1 Sv = 106m3s-1). Velocities are set to zero at the bottom.


The temperature variability accross the Florida Current at 27°N can be found here>>

The XBT data along AX_WBTS can be obtained here>>


The Mean Dynamic Topography and Mean Geostrophic Velocity fields are from the MDT_CNES-CLS09 climatology produced by CLS Space Oceanography Division and distributed by AVISO, with support from CNES.