The data archive of acoustically tracked subsurface float observations was initially compiled by the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Subsurface Float Data Assembly Center (WFDAC) at the Woods Hole Institution (WHOI). More recently, the archive has been maintained by Andrée Ramsey and Heather Furey in the Bower Lab at WHOI, and copied to NOAA/AOML in October 2014 (version 1), in December 2017 (version 2), and in June 2024 (version 3). Subsequent updates will be included as additional appropriate float data, quality controlled by the principal investigators, is submitted for inclusion.
Note that these observations are collected by neutrally-buoyant, subsurface acoustically tracked SOFAR, RAFOS, RAFOS-VOCHA, MARVOR, ALFOS, and RAFOS-enabled Argos floats which collect position data while drifting beneath the ocean surface. This database does not include data from profiling floats (e.g., Argo floats), which are generally not acoustically tracked while drifting at their subsurface parking depth. Argo float data are available at the Argo Global Data Assembly Center and data collected by ALACE, PALACE, or VCMs (which are not acoustically tracked) are available at the PANGEA data repository.
These data are the result of the effort and resources of many individuals and instituions. You are encouraged to acknowledge the work data originators and Data Centers in publications arising from use of these data.
At the WFDAC, the float data were categorized by project. Here they have been compiled into a single ERDDAP data set, which can be searched by project, principal invesitgator, float type, date, geographic area, etc. See here for more information on the variables contained in these files.
AOML's subsurface float observations page is managed by Sam Ouertani