Version number: 3.0. Created: June 2024. Most recent data included: 23 January 2019
The acousitcally tracked subsurface float dataset is available to download via the
On this page, you will find a compiled data set of SOFAR, RAFOS, RAFOS-VOCHA, MARVOR, ALFOS, and RAFOS-enabled Argos subsurface float data initially downloaded from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Subsurface Float Data Assembly Center (WFDAC) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), and augmented with more recent float data sets by Andrée Ramsey and Heather Furey in the Bower Lab at WHOI. The archive was initially copied to NOAA/AOML in October 2014 (version 1), updated in December 2017 (version 2), and in June 2024 (version 3). The archive includes trajectories of individual acoustically tracked floats (latitude and longitude as a function of time), and in most cases, in situ temperature and pressure measured along the float trajectories. Subsequent versions will be made available as additional appropriate float data, quality controlled by the principal investigators, is submitted for inclusion.
The accompanying Readme file documents changes in the archive starting at version 1.0. Also included is a PDF map showing the locations of all projects that have contributed data to the archive, maps for each individual project, a summary table listing information on individual float projects, principal investigators, and organizations responsible for collecting the subsurface float data, and a list of data reports for each project (when available). To cite the Acoustically Tracked Subsurface Float Database, please reference the PDF of data originators and Data Centers.