Modeling the hurricane dynamics with explicit moist convection

Principal Investigator: K. V. Ooyama

Objective: Comprehensive understanding of hurricane dynamics with a numerical model that explicitly includes the cloud-scale moist convection interacting with the hurricane environment.
Rationale: Moist convection is an exquisite yet powerful participant in creation of weather systems including tropical cyclones. While the cyclone's own circulation creates the mechanism for organizing and supporting the convection in the eye wall and rain bands, the large-scale environment also exerts controlling influences on the convection, especially in the initial stage of a cyclone and, often, at critical moments of intensification. In order to understand the multiscale dynamics of cyclones in a realistic environment, a numerical model with explicit moist convection is to be constructed on the fundamental principles of dynamics and thermodynamics.
Method: The model utilizes a versatile and accurate spectral method based on a cubic-spline representation of spatial fields (in all directions). In order to allow a wide range of scale interactions, the model is configured on multiply-nested domains of outwardly decreasing resolution, with noise-free, two-way interfaces. The semi-implicit method provides an efficient time integration for the nested spectral model.

With this numerical method, the model competently predicts the mass, momentum and energy in direct application of conservation principles. The formulation of moist process follows classical thermodynamics (avoiding the so-called meteorological approximations), with an extension for parameterized microphysics. The dynamic equations correctly account for the momentum of precipitation.

The atmospheric boundary layer is also parameterized in the model, following a traditional line of approach. On the other hand, the model does not postulate any internal diffusion or dissipation, since it generates no computational noise that needs to be suppressed by such means. If physically required, however, those terms can be added to the model.
Accomplishment: A model has been constructed to test the theory and numerical procedures, in the vertical two-dimensional space. The model can run in either of two modes, slab-symmetric or axisymmetric. The tests performed in the former mode are: the growth of a single-cell cloud, the generation of a multicell squall line in a sheared environment, and the diurnal cycle of convection over a heated peninsula. In the latter mode, experiments on the growth of an axisymmetric hurricane are being conducted at the Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, in collaboration with HRD.

The results favorably compare with those of similar studies in the literature. Our results, however, give a clear insight into the resolution-dependent interplay between dynamics and precipitation. A few highlights from the test runs are presented below.

The nondispersive and noise-free propagation of waves over the nested domains is demonstrated in Fig.1 for the Lamb wave (left column) and the first internal mode of gravity wave (right column).

The mature stage of a single cloud with a spreading canopy is shown in Fig.2 at 31 and 33 min after its initiation as a warm bubble. The growth of two mushroom-shaped protrusions at the top and mamma-like hanging protrusions near the edge of the canopy are associated with intense eddies shown by wind arrows. An enlarged view of the upper right portion of the cloud is in Fig.3.

In a sheared environment, the same initial cloud spawns many daughter cells, and a forward-pushing wedge of cold air is eventually (in 3 or 4 hours) formed under the raining clouds, resulting in a self-perpetuating squall line. The well-organized structure of this multicell system is shown in Fig.4, together with the profiles of u-velocity and entropy at a few key points.

The theoretical foundation, as well as the numerical method, is extendable to three spatial dimensions, and the construction of a 3-D model is contemplated. The current 2-D model code can be made available to any interested party for further applications and development.

Key references:

DeMaria, M., S. D. Aberson, K. V. Ooyama and S. J. Lord, 1992: A nested spectral model for hurricane track forecasting. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 1628-1643.

Ooyama, K. V., 1990: A thermodynamic foundation for modeling the moist atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci.., 47, 2580-2593.

Ooyama, K. V., 2000: A dynamic and thermodynamic foundation for modeling the moist atmosphere with parameterized microphysics. [submitted to J. Atmos. Sci.]

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Last modified: 01/27/00