Thermosalinograph (TSG) operations at NOAA/AOML are undergoing constant change with real-time transmitions being currently under development. For exact details about this operation please contact Gustavo Goni.
NOAA supports the collection of sea surface salinity (SSS) and sea surface temperature (SST) data from TSGs installed on ships of the NOAA fleet and ships of the Ship Of Opportunity Program (SOOP). There are currently 14 ships of the NOAA fleet and 2 ships of the SOOP with TSGs that are being operated.
NOAA/AOML has recently implemented delayed-time and real-time mode quality control procedures for TSG data obtained from three ships of the SOOP. These procedures are currently being used for delayed-time and real-time mode data.
Thermosalinograph is an automated Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity measurement system making measurement on board a ship using a water intake. A conductivity cell and a thermistor cell provide conductivity and temperature measurements. Salinity is derived from conductivity and temperature. The ship's position is given by a GPS. A computer usually located on the bridge makes the data acquisition, data processing, recording, and controls the real-time transmission of the data via satellite or stores the data for later retrieval.