South Atlantic Argo Regional Center
Quality Control

ARGO Analysis after Delayed mode QC


Each float is compared to four data sets:


1. The Levitus WOA05 global monthly climatology: 1 degree resolution in latitude and longitude; monthly mean and standard deviation for temperature and salinity; used are the 14 levels from 400m to 2000 m.


2. The Navy GDEM3 global monthly climatology: quarter degree resolution in latitude and longitude; monthly mean for temperature and salinity; used are the 15 levels from 400 to 2000 m.


3. Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) ARGO-only climatology: 1 degree resolution in latitude and longitude; monthly mean and standard deviation for temperature and salinity; used are the 29 levels from 400 to 2000 dbar. In this case, the comparison are performed at pressure levels, not depth levels.


4. Subsurface profile data from all available Argo profiles, CTD, XBT, and other types of profiles: Comparisons are done for all profiles within a selected time/distance "box". Such profiles are called "buddies". The 'box" is defined by 10 days as time difference and 110 km as distance on the great circle.


Comments and suggestions may be sent to: Vicki Halliwell (


Last update: 19-Mar-2010