This webpage provides access to real-time as well as delayed-time maps of BFT_Index distribution in the Gulf of Maps starting in 1993, which are used to track favorable areas for occurrence of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, BFT) larvae.
BFT Spawning in Gulf of Mexico is reported during the Northern Hesmisphere Spring months, with BFT larvae being captured mostly from early-April to late-May. Hence, real-time computation of BFT_Index is provided between March 1st and May 31st of each year.
Real-time BFT_Index computation period: March 1st - May 31 st
Dates available: 03/01/1993 - Current Spring
Notice: Blank maps indicate that conditions in the Gulf of Mexico are overall unfavorable for occurrence of BFT larvae.
You may select a different date to display the BFT_Index below: