As of: January 05, 2025

Data from Global Drifter Program (GDP) buoys, as well as products derived from GDP buoys, is available in various formats via the AOML GDP ERDDAP™.

For instructions on how to navigate the ERDDAP™ server, establish machine to machine (m2m) requests, and customize your data request, visit 6-Hour Interpolated Data Request Instructions. For additional resources and step-by-step guidance, visit the AOML GDP ERDDAP™ Tutorial on

With the growing importance for strong data management principles, Samantha Ouertani's 'An Overview of the Global Drifter Program's ERDDAP™ Server: From Set-up to Metrics' seminar detailing the benefits of the Global Drifter Program's ERDDAP™ server is available on . For those interested in establishing an ERDDAP™ server, reference the presentation for great insight, links, and additional resources!

GDP monthly metrics reports are also available in .pdf format

ERDDAP™ Dashboard

Monthly Downloads:


Monthly Unique Users:


Total Number of Downloads:
(since June 2023)


Total Number of Unique Users:
(since June 2023)


Previous Month Downloads by Day

Previous Year Downloads By Month

Total Downloads by Dataset/Product
(since June 2023)

Total Downloads by Location
(since June 2023)

Total Downloads by File Type
(since June 2023)

GDP Dashboard Metrics

Number of Unique Drifters:
(since 1979)

28,367 drifters

Buoy Years of GDP Data:
(since 1979)

33,280 years

Buoy Years - Drogue On:
(since 1979)

14,917 years

GDP Array Evolution:

Global Drifter Coverage:

Deployments by Drifter Type:
(since 1979)

Standard Drifter - 17,275
with Barometer - 12,479
with Wind - 590
with Wave - 424
with Salinity - 279
with Optics - 11

GDP Collaborators:
(Deployments by Country)
(since 1987 - where known)

Total Drifter Deployments:
(since 1979)
(Including FODs, re-deployments, transmitted
but failed (i.e., <3days of data), etc.)


Failed on Deployment (FOD):
(since 1979)


Failed on Deployment %:
