GDP Bibliography

Updated October 19, 2023

Publications: 1241

GDP Bibliography is also available in Alphabetical Order.

Histogram of Publications By Year

The following is a list of scientific publications that reference Global Drifter Program (GDP) data. If your drifter publication is not listed within, please email the Drifter Program with the complete reference.

Please contact publication authors to obtain an electronic or printed version of the articles. Alternatively, you may conduct a Google search of the publication title, which may direct you to an electronic version of the article.





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21 Entry

Aijaz, Saima, Gary B. Brassington, Prasanth Divakaran, Charly Régnier, Marie Drévillon, Jan Maksymczuk, K. Andrew Peterson, 2023:Verification and intercomparison of global ocean Eulerian near-surface currents.  Ocean Modelling,186,

Boyer, T., and Coauthors, 2023: Effects of the Pandemic on Observing the Global Ocean. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 104, E389–E410,

Brolly, M. T., 2023: Inferring ocean transport statistics with probabilistic neural networks. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15, e2023MS003718.




28 Entry

Arbic, B. K., Elipot, S., Brasch, J. M., Menemenlis, D., Ponte, A. L., Shriver, J. F., et al. (2022). Near-surface oceanic kinetic energy distributions from drifter observations and numerical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018551.

Caspar-Cohen, Z., Ponte, A., Lahaye, N., Carton, X., Yu, X., & Gentil, S. L. (2022). Characterization of Internal Tide Incoherence: Eulerian versus Lagrangian Perspectives, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(6), 1245-1259.

Debreu, L., N.K.-R. Kevlahan, P. Marchesiello, 2022: Improved Gulf Stream separation through Brinkman penalization. Ocean Modelling, 179,




35 Entry

Androulidakis, Yannis & Kourafalou, Villy & Olascoaga, Maria & Beron-Vera, Francisco & Le Henaff, Matthieu & Kang, Heesook & Ntaganou, Nektaria. (2021). Impact of Caribbean Anticyclones on Loop Current variability. Ocean Dynamics. 71. 10.1007/s10236-021-01474-9,

Bartlett, J.C., Convey, P., Hughes, K.A. et al. Ocean currents as a potential dispersal pathway for Antarctica’s most persistent non-native terrestrial insect. Polar Biol 44, 209–216 (2021).

Cardoso, Cláudio & Caldeira, Rui. (2021). Modeling the Exposure of the Macaronesia Islands (NE Atlantic) to Marine Plastic Pollution. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8. 10.3389/fmars.2021.653502,




33 Entry

Amemou, H. & Koné, V. & Aman, A. & Lett, C.. (2020). Assessment of a Lagrangian model using trajectories of oceanographic drifters and fishing devices in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography. 188. 102426. 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102426,

Androulidakis, Yannis & Kourafalou, Villy & Le Henaff, Matthieu & Kang, Heesook & Ntaganou, Nektaria & Hu, Chuamnin. (2020). Gulf Stream evolution through the Straits of Florida: the role of eddies and upwelling near Cuba. Ocean Dynamics. 10.1007/s10236-020-01381-5,

Beal, L. M., J. Vialard, M.K. Roxy, J. Li, M. Andres, H. Annamalai, M. Feng, W. Han, R. Hood, T. Lee, M. Lengaigne, R. Lumpkin, Y. Masumoto, M.J. McPhaden, M. Ravichandran, T. Shinoda, B.M. Sloyan, P. Strutton, A.C. Subramanian, T. Tozuka, C.C. Ummenhofer, A.S. Unnikrishnan, J. Wiggert, L.Yu,L. Cheng, D. Desbruyeres, and V. Parvathi, 2020: A roadmap to IndOOS-2: better observations of the rapidly-warming Indian Ocean. Bull. Am. Met. Soc.,




21 Entry

Benetti, M., Reverdin, G., Clarke, J. S., Tynan, E., Holliday, N. P., Torres‐Valdes, S., et al. (2019). Sources and distribution of fresh water around Cape Farewell in 2014. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 9404– 9416.

Bower, A., Lozier, S., Biastoch, A., Drouin, K., Foukal, N., Furey, H., et al. (2019). Lagrangian views of the pathways of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 5313– 5335.

Centurioni, Luca & Turton, Jon & Lumpkin, Rick & Braasch, Lancelot & Brassington, Gary & Chao, Yi & Charpentier, Etienne & Chen, Zhaohui & Corlett, Gary & Dohan, Kathleen & Donlon, Craig & Gallage, Champika & Hormann, Verena & Ignatov, Alexander & Ingleby, Bruce & Jensen, Robert & Kelly-Gerreyn, Boris & Koszalka, Inga & Lin, Xiaopei & Zhang, Dongxiao. (2019). Global in situ Observations of Essential Climate and Ocean Variables at the Air–Sea Interface. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00419,




34 Entries

Bell, R. and B. Kirtman (2018).  Seasonal forecasting of winds, waves and currents in the North Pacific.  J. Operational Oceanogr., 11,

Brisbin, M. M., L. Y. Mesrop, M. M. Grossmann, and S. Mitarai (2018).  Intra-host Symbiont Diversity and Extended Symbiont Maintenance in Photosymbiotic Acantharea (Clade F).  Microbiol.,

Centurioni, L.R. (2018). Drifter Technology and Impacts for Sea Surface Temperature, Sea-Level Pressure, and Ocean Circulation Studies. In: Venkatesan, R., Tandon, A., D'Asaro, E., Atmanand, M. (eds) Observing the Oceans in Real Time. Springer Oceanography. Springer, Cham.




40 Entries

Berline, L., A. Ody, J. Jouanno, C. Chevalier, J. M. André, et al.. Hindcasting the 2017 dispersal of Sargassum algae in the Tropical North Atlantic. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 158, pp.111431 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111431 . al-02925638,

Beron-Vera, J., J. Olascoaga, and R. Lumpkin, 2017: Inertia-induced accumulation of flotsam in the subtropical gyres. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43 (23), 12228—12233,

Casanova-Masjoan, M., Pelegrí, J. L., Sangrà, P., Martínez, A., Grisolía-Santos, D., Pérez-Hernández, M. D., and Hernández-Guerra, A. (2017), Characteristics and evolution of an Agulhas ring, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, 7049– 7065,




43 Entries

Akuetevi, C. Q. C., Barnier, B., Verron, J., J-M Molines, & Lecointre, A. (2016). Interactions between the somali current eddies during the summer monsoon: Insights from a numerical study. Ocean Science, 12(1), 185-205. doi:

Auger, P., Gorgues, T., Machu, E., Aumont, O., & Brehmer, P. (2016). What drives the spatial variability of primary productivity and matter fluxes in the north-west african upwelling system? A modelling approach. Biogeosciences, 13(23), 6419-6440. doi:

Beron-Vera, F. J., M. J. Olascoaga, and R. Lumpkin (2016), Inertia-induced accumulation of flotsam in the subtropical gyres, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 12,228–12,233, doi:10.1002/2016GL071443.




33 Entries

Aleynik, D., Dale, A. C., Porter, M., and Davidson, K., (2016), A high resolution hydrodynamic model system suitable for novel harmful algal bloom modelling in areas of complex coastline and topography, Harmful Algae, Vol. 53, 102-117,

Ascani, F., Firing, E., McCreary, J. P., Brandt, P., and Greatbatch, R. J. (2015) The Deep Equatorial Ocean Circulation in Wind-Forced Numerical Solutions, Journ. of Phys. Oceangorahpy, Vol. 45, No. 6,

Bingham, F.M., P. Li, Z. Li, Q. Vu, and Y. Chao. 2015. Data management support for the SPURS Atlantic field campaign. /Oceanography/ 28(1):46–55,




41 Entries

Atkinson, C.P., N.A. Rayner, J.J. Kennedy, and S.A. Good (2014), An integrated database of ocean temperatre and salinity observations. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119, 7139-7163, doi:10.1002/2014JC010053.

Baztan J., Carrasco A., Chouinard O., Cleaud T., Jaffres L., Jorgensen B., Miguelez A., Paillard C., Vanderlinden J.P. (2014). Protected areas in the Atlantic facing the hazards of micro-plastic pollution: First, diagnosis of three islands in the Canary Current. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 80,302-311.

Boutin, J., N. Martin, G. Reverdin, S. Morisset, X. Yin, L. Centurioni, and N. Reul (2014), Sea surface salinity under rain cells: SMOS satellite and in situ drifters observations, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119, 5533–5545, doi:10.1002/2014JC010070.




53 Entries

Alpers, W, P Brandt, A Lazar, D Dagorne, B. Sow, S Faye, M W. Hansen, A Rubino, P-M Poulain, and P Brehmer, 2013: A small-scale oceanic eddy off the coast of West Africa studied by multi-sensor satellite and surface drifter data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 129, pp.132 – 143,

Atkinson, C. P., N. A. Rayner, J. Roberts-Jones, and R. O. Smith (2013) Assessing the quality of sea surface temperature observations from drifting buoys and ships on a platform-by-platform basis. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118, 3507–3529,

Beal, L. M., Hormann, V., Lumpkin, R., and Foltz, G. (2013) The Response of the Surface Circulation of the Arabian Sea to Monsoonal Forcing. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48, No. 5, doi:




39 Entries

Albertella, A., R. Savcenko, T. Janjić, R. Rummel, W. Bosch, J. Schröter, 2012: High resolution dynamic ocean topography in the Southern Ocean from GOCE. Geophysical Journal International, 190 (2), pp. 922–930,

Aranguren-Gassis, M., P. Serret, E. Fernández, J. L. Herrera, J. F. Domínguez, V. Pérez and J. Escanez, 2012: Balanced plankton net community metabolism in the oligotrophic North Atlantic subtropical gyre from Lagrangian observations. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 68, 116-122,

Blockley, E.W., Martin, M. J., and Hyder, P., (2012), Validation of FOAM near-surface ocean current forecasts using Lagrangian drifting buoys. Ocean Sci.,8,1705-1740, doi:10.5193/osd-0-1

Castro, S. L., G. A. Wick, and W. J. Emery (2012), Evaluation of the relative performance of sea surface temperature measurements from different types of drifting and moored buoys using satellite-derived reference products, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117.




55 Entries

Alvera-Azcarate, A., C. Troupin, A. Barth, and J. M. Beckers (2011), Comparison between satellite and in situ sea surface temperature data in the Western Mediterranean Sea, Ocean Dynamics, 61(6), 767-778.

Andersson, M., K. A. Orvik, J. H. LaCasce, I. Koszalka, and C. Mauritzen (2011), Variability of the Norwegian Atlantic Current and associated eddy field from surface drifters, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 116.

Barbosa Aguiar, A. C. B., A. J. Peliz, A. C. Pires, and B. Le Cann (2011), Zonal structure of the mean flow and eddies in the Azores Current system, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 116.




47 Entries

Aksenov, Y., S. Bacon, A. C. Coward, and A. J. G. Nurser (2010), The North Atlantic inflow to the Arctic Ocean: High-resolution model study, Journal of Marine Systems, 79(1-2), 1-22.

Brassington, G. B., (2010), Estimating Surface Divergence of Ocean Eddies Using Observed Trajectories from a Surface Drifting Buoy, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol. 27(4),

Brummer, B., G. Muller, C. Klepp, G. Spreen, R. Romeiser, and J. Horstmann (2010), Characteristics and impact of a gale-force storm field over the Norwegian Sea, Tellus Series a-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 62(4), 481-496.




55 Entries

Aaboe, S., O. A. Nost, and E. Hansen (2009), Along-slope variability of barotropic transport in the Nordic Seas: Simplified dynamics tested against observations, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 114.

Aretxabaleta, A. L., D. J. McGillicuddy, K. W. Smith, J. P. Manning, and D. R. Lynch (2009), Model simulations of the Bay of Fundy Gyre: 2. Hindcasts for 2005-2007 reveal interannual variability in retentiveness, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 114.

Badin, G., R. G. Williams, J. T. Holt, and L. J. Fernand (2009), Are mesoscale eddies in shelf seas formed by baroclinic instability of tidal fronts?, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 114.




62 Entries

Apte, A., C. Jones, and A. M. Stuart (2008), A Bayesian approach to Lagrangian data assimilation, Tellus Series a-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 60(2), 336-347.

Beal, L., V. Hormann, R. Lumpkin and G. R. Foltz: The surface monsoon circulation of the Arabian Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43 (9), 2008-2022,

Berline, L., Y. H. Spitz, C. J. Ashjian, R. G. Campbell, W. Maslowski, and S. E. Moore (2008), Euphausiid transport in the Western Arctic Ocean, Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 360, 163-178.




41 Entries

Barron, C. N., L. F. Smedstad, J. M. Dastugue, and O. M. Smedstad (2007), Evaluation of ocean models using observed and simulated drifter trajectories: Impact of sea surface height on synthetic profiles for data assimilation, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 112(C7).

Bentivegna, F., Valentino, F., Falco, P., Zambianchi, E., Hochscheid, S., (2007), The relationship between loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) movement patterns and Mediterranean currents, Marine Biology, Vol. 151(5), 1605-1614,

Black, P. G., E. A. D'Asaro, W. M. Drennan, J. R. French, P. P. Niiler, T. B. Sanford, E. J. Terrill, E. J. Walsh, and J. A. Zhang (2007), Air-sea exchange in hurricanes - Synthesis of observations from the coupled boundary layer air-sea transfer experiment, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88(3), 357-374.




34 Entries

Brambilla, E., and L. D. Talley (2006), Surface drifter exchange between the North Atlantic subtropical and sub polar gyres, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 111(C7).

Campagna, C., A. R. Piola, M. R. Marin, M. Lewis, and T. Fernandez (2006), Southern elephant seal trajectories, fronts and eddies in the Brazil/Malvinas Confluence, Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 53(12), 1907-1924.

Chaigneau, A., D. R. R. A, and F. Colas (2006), Lagrangian study of the Panama Bight and surrounding regions, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 111, C09013, doi:10.1029/2006JC003530.




53 Entries

Ansorge, I. J. and Lutjeharms, J. R. E., (2005), Direct observations of eddy turbulence at a ridge in the Southern Ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32(14),

Ansorge, I. J., Speich, S., Lutjeharms, J. R. E., Goni, G. J., Rautenbach, C. J. de W., (2005), Monitoring the oceanic flow beteen Africa and Antarctica: report of the first GoodHope cruise: research in action, South African Journal of Science, Vol. 101(1-2), 29-35,

Aretxabaleta, A., J. Manning, F. E. Werner, K. Smith, B. O. Blanton, and D. R. Lynch (2005), Data assimilative hindcast on the Southern Flank of Georges Bank during May 1999: frontal circulation and implications, Continental Shelf Research, 25(7-8), 849-874.




51 Entries

Barth, J. A., D. Hebert, A. C. Dale, and D. S. Ullman (2004), Direct observations of along-isopycnal upwelling and diapycnal velocity at a shelfbreak front, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34(3), 543-565.

Barton, E. D., J. Aristegui, P. Tett, and E. Navarro-Perez (2004), Variability in the Canary Island area of filament-eddy exchange, Progress in Oceanography, 62, 2-4.

Beardsley, R. C., R. Limeburner, and W. Brechner_Owens (2004), Drifter measurements of surface currents near Marguerite Bay on the western Antarctic Peninsula shelf during austral summer and fall, 2001 and 2002, Deep-Sea Research Ii, 51, 17-19.




40 Entries

Ambe_D, I. S. U. H. I. K. (2003), Estimating the high-resolution mean sea-surface velocity field by combined use of altimeter and drifter data for GEOID model improvement, Space Science Reviews, 108, 1-2.

Assireu, A. T., M. R. Stevenson, and J. L. Stech (2003), Surface circulation and kinetic energy in the SW Atlantic obtained by drifters, Continental Shelf Research, 23(2), 145-157.

Batteen, M. L., N. J. Cipriano, and J. T. Monroe (2003), A large-scale seasonal modeling study of the California Current System, Journal of Oceanography, 59(5), 545-562.




56 Entries

Afanasyev, Y. D., A. G. Kostianoy, A. G. Zatsepin, and P. M. Poulain (2002), Analysis of velocity field in the eastern Black Sea from satellite data during the Black Sea'99 experiment, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 107(C8), 3098-3108.

Austin, J. A., and J. A. Barth (2002), Drifter behavior on the Oregon-Washington shelf during downwelling-favorable winds, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32(11), 3132-3144.

Bacon, S., G. Reverdin, I. G. Rigor, and H. M. Snaith (2002), A freshwater jet on the east Greenland shelf, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 107(C7).




42 Entries

Abbott, M. R., J. G. Richman, J. S. Nahorniak, and B. S. Barksdale (2001), Meanders in the Antarctic polar frontal zone and their impact on phytoplankton, Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48(19-20), 3891-3912.

Alvarez-Salgado, X. A., M. D. Doval, A. V. Borges, I. Joint, M. Frankignoulle, E. M. S. Woodward, and F. G. Figueiras (2001), Off-shelf fluxes of labile materials by an upwelling filament in the NW Iberian Upwelling System, Progress in Oceanography, 51(2-4), 321-337.

Barton, E. D., M. E. Inall, T. J. Sherwin, and R. Torres (2001), Vertical structure, turbulent mixing and fluxes during Lagrangian observations of an upwelling filament system off Northwest Iberia, Progress in Oceanography, 51(2-4), 249-267.




27 Entries

Abbott, M. R., J. G. Richman, R. M. Letelier, and J. S. Bartlett (2000), The spring bloom in the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone as observed from a mesoscale array of bio-optical sensors, Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 47(15-16), 3285-3314.

Barth, J. A., S. D. Pierce, and R. L. Smith (2000), A separating coastal upwelling jet at Cape Blanco, Oregon and its connection to the California Current System, Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 47(5-6), 783-810.

Bindoff, N. L., M. A. Rosenberg, and M. J. Warner (2000), On the circulation and water masses over the Antarctic continental slope and rise between 80 and 150 degrees E, Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 47(12-13), 2299-2326.




223 Entries

1990 to 1999




27 Entries

1980 to 1989




6 Entries

1970 to 1979

