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Parameter Specification

					type  len  format                             fill value
					----  ---  ------                             ----------
internal ID number                   integer   4    dddd                               -999
transmission ID number               integer   5    ddddd                              -9999
transmission type                    alphanum  12                                      n/a
instrument type                      alphanum  16                                      n/a
ARGOS program number                 integer   5    ddddd                              -9999
WMO ID number                        integer   7    ddddddd                            0
WMO instrument type (table 1770)     integer   3    ddd                                -99 
WMO recorder type (table 4770)       integer   2    dd                                 -9 
start time [dd mm yyyy hh mm (Z)]    alphanum  16   dd dd dddd dd dd                   99 99 9999 99 99
status of start time                 alphanum  12                                      n/a
launch time [dd mm yyyy hh mm (Z)]   alphanum  16   dd dd dddd dd dd                   99 99 9999 99 99
status of launch time                alphanum  12                                      n/a
launch position [lat latm lon lonm]  alphanum  36   sdd.ddd sdd.ddd sddd.ddd sddd.ddd  99. 99. 999. 999.
status of launch position            alphanum  12                                      n/a
delay of first down time [hours]     integer   4    dddd                               -999
down time [days]                     float     7    dd.dddd                            -999.
up time [hours]                      float     7    dd.dddd                            -999.
cycle time [days]                    float     7    dd.dddd                            -999.
descent time [hours]                 float     7    dd.dddd                            -999.
neutral depth time [days]            float     7    dd.dddd                            -999.
ascent time [hours]                  float     7    dd.dddd                            -999.
surface time [hours]                 float     7    dd.dddd                            -999.
transmission repetition rate [sec]   float     7    dd.dddd                            -999.
clock drift [hours/hours]            float     4    ddd.d                              -999.
last cycle                           alphanum  4                                       n/a
calib eq 1 for salinity              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for salinity              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 1 for pressure              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for pressure              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 2 for pressure              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 3 for pressure              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 4 for pressure              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 5 for pressure              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for pressure              alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 1 for temperature           alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 2 for temperature           alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for temperature           alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 1 for conductivity          alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for conductivity          alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 2 for conductivity          alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 3 for conductivity          alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 1 for cpu voltage           alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for cpu voltage           alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 1 for pump voltage          alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for pump voltage          alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 1 for voltage               alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for voltage               alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib eq 1 for vacuum                alphanum  80                                      n/a
calib coef for vacuum                alphanum  80                                      n/a
temperature calibration date         alphanum  12                                      n/a
pressure calibration date            alphanum  12                                      n/a
conductivty calibration date         alphanum  12                                      n/a
temperature calibration date         alphanum  12                                      n/a
float manufacturer                   alphanum  16                                      n/a
float serial number                  alphanum  16                                      n/a
PI                                   alphanum  24                                      n/a
principal investigator address       alphanum  24                                      n/a
originating country                  alphanum  20                                      n/a
float deployer                       alphanum  24                                      n/a
float deployer address               alphanum  24                                      n/a
deployment type                      alphanum  8                                       n/a
deployment platform                  alphanum  20                                      n/a
deployment cruise id                 alphanum  40                                      n/a
profile at deployment                alphanum  32                                      n/a
nominal drift pressure [dbar]        alphanum  20                                      n/a
cycles for drift pressure            alphanum  20                                      n/a
nominal profile pressure [dbar]      alphanum  20                                      n/a
cycles for profile pressure          alphanum  20                                      n/a
Profile Sampling Method              alphanum  12                                      n/a
pump type                            alphanum  8                                       n/a
temperature sensor type              alphanum  16                                      n/a
temperature sensor manufacturer      alphanum  16                                      n/a
temperature sensor serial number     alphanum  16                                      n/a
conductivity sensor type             alphanum  16                                      n/a
conductivity sensor manufacturer     alphanum  16                                      n/a
conductivity sensor serial number    alphanum  16                                      n/a
pressure sensor type                 alphanum  16                                      n/a
pressure sensor manufacturer         alphanum  16                                      n/a
pressure sensor serial number        alphanum  16                                      n/a
ROM version                          alphanum  20                                      n/a
battery type                         alphanum  8                                       n/a
initial battery voltage [volt]       float     4    dd.d                               -99.
Board type                           alphanum  4                                       n/a
Board serial number                  alphanum  4                                       n/a
CPU serial number                    alphanum  4                                       n/a
CPU date                             alphanum  12                                      n/a
AUX serial number                    alphanum  4                                       n/a
AUX date                             alphanum  12                                      n/a
comment                              alphanum  80                                      n/a