Agulhas Current

SHA space-time diagram

This sea height anomaly (SHA) space-time diagram provides useful means to identify the motion of the Agulhas Current retroflection and the shedding and translation of rings. These anticyclonic warm rings can usually be identified by their large positive SHA values, red colors in the graphics.

Mean SHA values are computed for same longitude sections along a corridor to obtain the space-time dependent SHA dataset.

This space-time diagram is updated on a monthly basis using delayed time and near real time altimetry data. Last updated on 04/2/21 04:07.

This space-time diagram is updated on a monthly basis using delayed time and near real time altimetry data. Last updated on 04/2/21 04:07.

This space-time diagram is updated on a monthly basis using delayed time and near real time altimetry data. Last updated on 04/2/21 04:07.

This space-time diagram is updated on a monthly basis using delayed time and near real time altimetry data. Last updated on 07/15/24 04:01.
