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Dr. Jason P. Dunion
Associate Scientist
Hurricane Research Division-- CIMAS
phone: 305-720-3060
fax: 305-361-4402

NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
4301 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149

Professional Interests

Jason Dunion specializes in satellite remote sensing of hurricanes and has led the development of several new satellite products for monitoring tropical cyclones, Saharan dust storms, and the diurnal cycle of hurricanes. His research has also included reconstructing wind fields of several historical landfalling hurricanes, including 1960 Donna and 1965 Besty, developing new climatological atmospheric soundings for the North Atlantic, and leading the development of a new scheme (the TC Genesis Index) for prediciting tropical cyclone genesis. Dunion has acted as chief scientist on several Hurricane Hunter research missions using NOAA’s high altitude jet and P-3 Orions and has flown on over 50 hurricane hunter flights. He also has served as Director of the Hurricane Research Division’s Field Program.

Jason Dunion earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of New Hampshire in geography and geology in 1992. For the next 4 years, he worked as a supported living coordinator in both Connecticut and Miami, FL while also completing his graduate school pre-requisite courses. His supporting living work involved helping people with developmental disabilities to transition out of facilities and group homes and live independently in the community. After finishing his graduate school pre-requisite courses, he attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison and earned his Masters degree in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science in 1999. He received his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences at the University at Albany-SUNY in 2016.

Current Research Projects

        Recently Published Peer-Reviewed Papers

        1. Fischer, M.S., R.F. Rogers, P.D. Reasor, and J.P. Dunion. An observational analysis of the relationship between tropical cyclone vortex tilt, precipitation structure, and intensity change. Monthly Weather Review, 152(1):203-225, 2024
        2. Murray, E.J., J. Dunion, K.B. Karnauskus, Z. Wang, and J.A. Zhang. Cloud height distributions and the role of vertical mixing in the tropical cyclone eye derived from compact Raman lidar observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(14):e2024GL108515, 2024
        3. Yu, H., G. Chen, W.K. Wong, J.L. Vigh, C.-K. Pan, X. Lu, J.A. Zhang, J. Tang, K. Zhao, P. Chen, Z. Yu, M. Yang, J. Dunion, Z. Fang, X. Lei, A. Tyagi, and L. Chen. WMO Typhoon Landfall Forecast Demonstration Project (2010-2022): A decade of transition from track forecasts to impact forecasts. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105(7):E1320-1349, 2024

            Awards and Honors

            2017Recipient: Group Achievement Award for “outstanding achievements of the Hurricane and Severe Storms Sentinel (HS3) airborne mission to investigate the factors influencing hurricane intensity change”. NASA
            2016Recipient: Best Paper Award, NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory: Dunion et al. 2014, NOAA
            2015Co-Recipient: 2015 American Meteorological Society Special Award to the University of Wisconsin-CIMSS Tropical Cyclone Group for “providing the weather community with valuable tropical cyclone-related satellite information and derived products for over two decades.”AMS
            20102010 NOAA AIRS Team for outstanding contributions to improving weather forecasting using data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)NASA
            20092009 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Geophysical Research LettersAGU
            20052005 NOAA David Johnson Award for “innovative research using environmental satellite observations on the influence and impact of the Saharan Air Layer on Atlantic tropical cyclones and the role it plays in development, decay, and intensity change of these storms.” NOAA
            20042004 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for JGR-AtmospheresAGU
            2002Co-recipient: Best Transition to Operations Award, NOAATech 2002 Conference to the H*Wind team NOAA
            2000Co-recipient: Best JAVA Implementation Award, NOAATech 2000 Conference for NOAA
            19971997-1998 Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship Award to integrate satellite winds into the NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division's tropical cyclone surface wind analysis systemWSGC
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