Karnauskas, M., M.J. Schirripa, J.K. Craig, G.S. Cook, C.R. Kelble, J.J. Agar, B.A. Black, D.B. Enfield, D. Lindo-Atichati, B.A. Muhling, K.M. Purcell, P.M. Richards, and C. Wang. Evidence of climate-driven ecosystem reorganization in the Gulf of Mexico. Global Change Biology, 21(7):2554-2568, doi:10.1111/gcb.12894 2015.
Kearney, K.A., M. Butler, R. Glazer, C.R. Kelble, J.E. Serafy, and E. Stabenau. Quantifying Florida Bay habitat suitability for fishes and invertebrates under climate change scenarios. Environmental Management, 55(4):836-856, doi:10.1007/s00267-014-0336-5 2015.
Conmy, R.N., P.G. Coble, J. Farr, A.M. Wood, K. Lee, W.S. Pegau, I.D. Walsh, C.R. Koch, M.I. Abercrombie, M.S. Miles, M.R. Lewis, S.A. Ryan, B.J. Robinson, T.L. King, C.R. Kelble, and J. Lacoste. Submersible optical sensors exposed to chemically dispersed crude oil: Wave tank simulations for improved oil spill monitoring. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(3):1803-1810, doi:10.1021/es404206y 2014.
Cook, G.S., P.J. Fletcher, and C.R. Kelble. Towards marine ecosystem based management in South Florida: Investigating the connections among ecosystem pressures, states, and services in a complex coastal system. Ecological Indicators, 44:26-39, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.10.026 2014.
Fletcher, P.J., C.R. Kelble, W.K. Nuttle, and G.A. Kiker. Using the integrated ecosystem assessment framework to build consensus and transfer information to managers. Ecological Indicators, 44:11-25, doi:10.1016/ j.ecolind.2014.03.024 2014.
Levin, P.S., C.R. Kelble, R.L. Shuford, C. Ainsworth, Y. deReynier, R. Dunsmore, M.J. Fogarty, K. Holsman, E.A. Howell, M.E. Monaco, S.A. Oakes, and F. Werner. Guidance for implementation of integrated ecosystem assessments: A U.S. perspective. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71(5):1198-1204, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst112 2014.
Loomis, D.K., P.B. Ortner, C.R. Kelble, and S.K. Paterson. Developing integrated ecosystem indices. Ecological Indicators, 44:57-62, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.02.032 2014.
Ortner, P.B., P.J. Fletcher, and C.R. Kelble. Introduction to tools to support ecosystem based management of South Florida’s coastal resources. Ecological Indicators, 44:2-5, doi:10.1016/ j.ecolind.2014.04.020 2014.
Smith, R.H., E.M. Johns, G.J. Goni, J. Trinanes, R. Lumpkin, A.M. Wood, C.R. Kelble, S.R. Cummings, J.T. Lamkin, and S. Privoznik. Oceanographic conditions in the Gulf of Mexico in July 2010, during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Continental Shelf Research, 77:118-131, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2013.12.009 2014.
Cook, G.S., P.E. Parnell, and L.A. Levin Population connectivity shifts at high frequency within an open-coast marine protected area network. PLoS ONE, 9(7):e103654, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103654 2014.
Marshall, F.E., K. Banks, and G.S. Cook. Ecosystem indicators for southeast Florida Beaches. Ecological Indicators, 44:81-91, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.12.021 2014 FY2014.
Kearney, K.A., C. Stock, and J.L. Sarmiento. Amplification and attenuation of increased primary production in a marine food web. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 491:1-14, doi:10.3354/meps10484 2013 FY2014.
Ogden, J.C., J.D. Baldwin, O.L. Bass, J.A. Browder, M.I. Cook, P.C. Frederick, P.E. Frezza, R.A. Galvez, A.B. Hodgson, K.D. Meyer, L.D. Oberhofer, A.F. Paul, P.J. Fletcher, S.M. Davis, and J.J. Lorenz. Waterbirds as indicators of ecosystem health in the coastal marine habitats of southern Florida: 1. Selection and justification for a suite of indicator species. Ecological Indicators, 44:148-163, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.03.007 2014 FY2014.
Ogden, J.C., J.D. Baldwin, O.L. Bass, J.A. Browder, M.I. Cook, P.C. Frederick, P.E. Frezza, R.A. Galvez, A.B. Hodgson, K.D. Meyer, L.D. Oberhofer, A.F. Paul, P.J. Fletcher, S.M. Davis, and J.J. Lorenz. Waterbirds as indicators of ecosystem health in the coastal marine habitats of southern Florida: 2. Conceptual ecological models. Ecological Indicators, 44:128-147, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.03.008 2014 FY2014
Karnauskas, M., M.J. Schirripa, C.R. Kelble, G.S. Cook, and J.K. Craig. Ecosystem status report for the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS-SEFSC-653, 52 pp., 2013 FY2014.
Carson, H.S., P.C. Lopez-Duarte, G.S. Cook, F.J. Fodrie, B.J. Becker, C. DiBacco, and L.A. Levin. Temporal, spatial, and interspecific variation in geochemical signatures within fish otoliths, bivalve larval shells, and crustacean larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 473:133-148, doi:10.3354/meps10078 2013 FY2013
Cannizzaro, J.P., C. Hu, K.L. Carder, C.R. Kelble, N. Melo, E.M. Johns, G.A. Vargo, and C.A. Heil. On the accuracy of SeaWiFS ocean color data products on the West Florida Shelf. Journal of Coastal Research, 29(6):1257-1272 (doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00223.1) (2013).
Kelble, C.R. Low salinity predation refugia could cause HAB initiation. Journal of Phycology, 49(91):18-19 (doi:10.1111/jpy.12015) (2013).
Kelble, C.R., D.K. Loomis, S. Lovelace, W.K. Nuttle, P.B. Ortner, P. Fletcher, G.S. Cook, J.J. Lorenz, and J.N. Boyer. The EBM-DPSER conceptual model: Integrating ecosystem services into the DPSIR framework. PLoS ONE, 8(8):e70766 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070766) (2013).
Nuttle, W.K., and P.J. Fletcher (eds.). Integrated conceptual ecosystem model development for the Florida Keys/Dry Tortugas coastal marine ecosystem. NOAA Technical Memorandum, OAR-AOML-101/NOS-NCCOS-161, 91 pp., 2013 FY2013.
Lopez-Duarte, P.C., H.S. Carson, G.S. Cook, F.J. Fodrie, B.J. Becker, C. DiBacco, and L.A. Levin. What controls connectivity? An empirical, multi-species approach. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 52(4):511-524, doi:10.1093/icb/ics104 2012 FY2013.
Nuttle, W.K., and P.J. Fletcher (eds.). Integrated conceptual ecosystem model development for the southeast Florida coastal marine ecosystem. NOAA Technical Memorandum, OAR-AOML-103/NOS-NCCOS-163, 125 pp., 2013 FY2013.
Nuttle, W.K., and P.J. Fletcher (eds.). Integrated conceptual ecosystem model development for the Southwest Florida Shelf coastal marine ecosystem. NOAA Technical Memorandum, OAR-AOML-102/NOS-NCCOS-162, 108 pp., 2013 FY2013.
Kelble, C. Plankton type affects food webs. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's Marine Environment, W.L. Kruczynski and P.J. Fletcher (eds.). IAN Press, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, MD, 125 (2012).
Kelble, C. Salinity is an important variable in Florida Bay. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's Marine Environment, W.L. Kruczynski and P.J. Fletcher (eds.). IAN Press, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, MD, 120 (2012).
Kelble, C., C. Heil, and P.M. Gilbert. Water quality is monitored to assess environmental conditions. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's Marine Environment, W.L. Kruczynski and P.J. Fletcher (eds.). IAN Press, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, MD, 108-109 (2012).
Dodrill, J., and P.J. Fletcher. Florida has an active artificial reef program. In Tropical Connections: South Florida's Marine Environment, W.L. Kruczynski and P.J. Fletcher (eds.). IAN Press, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, MD, 238, 2012 FY2012.
Fletcher, P.J., and J.C. Hendee. Coral reef and marine resource manager climate information needs assessment for the Florida Reef tract. NOAA Technical Memorandum, OAR-AOML-100, 20 pp., 2012 FY2012.
Fletcher, P.J., and W.L. Kruczynski, editors. Tropical Connections: South Florida's Marine Environment. IAN Press, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Cambridge, MD, 13, 2012 FY2012.
Kelble, C.R., P.B. Ortner, G.L. Hitchcock, M.J. Dagg, and J.N. Boyer, 2010: Temporal and spatial variability of mesozooplankton in a shallow subtropical bay: Influence of top-down control. Estuaries and Coasts, 33(3):727-737.
Boyer, J.N., C.R. Kelble, P.B. Ortner, and D.T. Rudnick, 2009: Phytoplankton bloom status: An indicator of water quality condition in the southern estuaries of Florida, USA. Ecological Indicators, 9(6) (Suppl):S56-S67.
Zhang, J.-Z., C.R. Kelble, C.J. Fischer, and L.D. Moore, 2009: Hurricane Katrina induced nutrient runoff from an agricultural area to coastal waters in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 84(2):209-218.
Hitchcock, G.L., W.S. Arnold, M. Frischer, C.R. Kelble, and R.K. Cowen, 2008: Short-term dispersal of an intentionally-released patch of larval Mercenaria Spp. In the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA. Bulletin of Marine Science, 82(1):41-57.
Lee, T.N., N. Melo, E. Johns, C. Kelble, R.H. Smith, and P.B. Ortner, 2008: On water renewal and salinity variability in the northeast subregion of Florida Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science, 82(1):83-105.
Serafy, J.E., C.R. Kelble, T.R. Capo, S.A. Luthy and P.B. Ortner, 2008: Vertical movement rates of captive larval billfishes (Istiophoridae) collected from the Straits of Florida. Florida Scientist, 71(1):23-30.
Kelble, C.R., E.M. Johns, W.K. Nuttle, T.N. Lee, R.H. Smith, and P.B. ORTNER, 2007: Salinity patterns of Florida Bay. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 71(1-2):318-334.
Serafy, J.E., T.R. Capo, and C.R. Kelble, 2006: Live capture of larval billfishes: Design and field testing of the continuous access Neuston observation net (CANON). Bulletin of Marine Science, 79(3):853-857.
Hitchcock, G.L., T.N. Lee, P.B. Ortner, S.R. Cummings, C.R. Kelble, and E. Williams, 2005: Property fields in a Tortugas eddy. Deep-Sea Research, Part I, 52(12):2195-2213.
Hu, C., F.E. Muller-Karger, C. Taylor, K.L. Carder, C. Kelble, E. Johns, and C.A. Heil, 2005: Red tide detection and tracing using MODIS fluorescence data: A regional example in southwest Florida coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 97(3):311-321.
Kelble, C.R., P.B. Ortner, G.L. Hitchcock, and J.N. Boyer, 2005: A re-examination of the light environment of Florida Bay. Estuaries, 28(4):560-571.
Lawrence, D., M.J. Dagg, H. Liu., S.R. Cummings, P.B. Ortner and C.R. Kelble, 2004: Wind events and benthic-pelagic coupling in a shallow subtropical bay in Florida. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 266:1-13.
Zhang, J.-Z., C.R. Kelble, and F.J. Millero, 2001: Gas-segmented continuous flow analysis of iron in water with a long liquid waveguide capillary flow cell. Analytica Chimica Acta, 438:49-57.