NOAA Miami Regional Library

National Marine Fisheries Service

This page provides access to NOAA Technical Memorandum,and Memos of the National Marine Fisheries Services.


NMFS Scientific Publications Office
Individual articles in Fishery Bulletin and Marine Fisheries Review are available at their respective websites, or searchable in commercial databases.

AFSC Publications (Alaska Fisheries Science Center)
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC series partially continues the NMFS-F/NWC series established in 1970. As part of the AFSC, many National Marine Mammal Laboratory Publications are included in this series.
NEFSC Publications (Northeast Fisheries Science Center)
NWFSC Publications (Northwest Fisheries Science Center)
OPR Publications (Office of Protected Resources)
SEFSC Publications (Southeast Fisheries Science Center)
SWFSC Publications (Southwest Fisheries Science Center)

Commerical Fisheries Statistics

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