Web Server Statistics for NOAA/AOML/PhOD

Statistics Relating to Requests for Files (What people are looking at)
Return to the AOML main stats page
Program started at Mon, Jun 29 1998 11:23.
Analyzed requests from Mon, Jan 01 1996 00:41 to Tue, Dec 31 1996 23:36 (366.0 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to Dec 31 1996 23:59).
Successful requests: 96,134 (1,009)
Average successful requests per day: 262 (144)
Successful requests for pages: 27,106 (303)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 74 (43)
Failed requests: 1,906 (11)
Redirected requests: 952 (14)
Distinct files requested: 968 (196)
Corrupt logfile lines: 666
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,050,960
Data transferred: 886,224 kbytes (11,288 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 2,421 kbytes (1,612 kbytes)

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs:  %reqs: kbytes: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ------: ------: ---------
67257: 69.96%: 647273: 73.04%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
 1700:  1.77%: 110740: 12.50%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
16284: 16.94%:  85345:  9.63%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
10821: 11.26%:  33264:  3.75%: [directories]
   24:  0.02%:   5542:  0.63%: .zip  [Zip archives]
   35:  0.04%:   2415:  0.27%: .ps   [PostScript]
    2:       :   1452:  0.16%: .exe  [PC executables]
   11:  0.01%:    192:  0.02%: [not listed: 4 extensions]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing directories, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

pages: %pages: #reqs:  %reqs: directory
-----: ------: -----: ------: ---------
27106:   100%: 96134:   100%: /phod/
10009: 36.93%: 10009: 10.41%:   /phod/dac/
 5025: 18.54%:  5025:  5.23%:   /phod/uot/
 2484:  9.16%:  5927:  6.17%:   /phod/people/
 1846:  6.81%:  3031:  3.15%:     /phod/people/baringer/
  368:  1.36%:  2100:  2.18%:     /phod/people/rsmith/
  252:  0.93%:   773:  0.80%:     /phod/people/wilson/
 1648:  6.08%:  2706:  2.81%:   /phod/accp/
  576:  2.12%:  1251:  1.30%:     /phod/accp/ap95/
  410:  1.51%:   793:  0.82%:     /phod/accp/ag95/
    6:  0.02%:     6:  0.01%:     /phod/accp/dc95/
 1460:  5.39%:  1460:  1.52%:   /phod/wimp/
 1090:  4.02%:  1426:  1.48%:   /phod/adcp/
    0:       :   336:  0.35%:     /phod/adcp/graphic/
  840:  3.10%: 65031: 67.65%:   /phod/graphics/
  829:  3.06%:  2993:  3.11%:     /phod/graphics/dacdata/
    4:  0.01%:  3734:  3.88%:     /phod/graphics/wimp/
    1:       :   206:  0.21%:     /phod/graphics/uotp/
  641:  2.36%:   641:  0.67%:   /phod/pacs/
  183:  0.68%:   183:  0.19%:   /phod/iorh/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs:  %reqs:       last date: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
 3544:  3.69%: Dec/31/96 18:59: /phod/
 2216:  2.31%: Dec/31/96 16:34: /phod/dac/
 1904:  1.98%: Dec/31/96 18:57: /phod/dac/dacdata.html
 1482:  1.54%: Dec/31/96 18:58: /phod/dac/dac.html
 1452:  1.51%: Dec/31/96 07:26: /phod/dac/gdc.html
 1307:  1.36%: Dec/31/96 16:35: /phod/people/baringer/
  955:  0.99%: Dec/31/96 15:52: /phod/uot/
  885:  0.92%: Dec/31/96 16:51: /phod/uot/uot_products.html
  856:  0.89%: Dec/31/96 16:50: /phod/adcp/
  370:  0.38%: Dec/23/96 13:21: /phod/accp/
  368:  0.38%: Dec/31/96 17:24: /phod/people/rsmith/
  341:  0.35%: Dec/30/96 19:24: /phod/wimp/
  339:  0.35%: Dec/31/96 16:33: /phod/dac/meds.html
  315:  0.33%: Dec/31/96 03:59: /phod/dac/gdp.html
  312:  0.32%: Dec/29/96 08:48: /phod/uot/uot_xbt.html
  279:  0.29%: Dec/30/96 16:28: /phod/pacs/
  262:  0.27%: Dec/31/96 15:53: /phod/uot/uot_monitoring.html
  247:  0.26%: Dec/31/96 14:36: /phod/uot/uot_links.html
  234:  0.24%: Dec/28/96 23:45: /phod/adcp/adcp_ginfo.html
  234:  0.24%: Dec/29/96 19:12: /phod/uot/uot_scientist.html
  223:  0.23%: Dec/26/96 15:22: /phod/dac/deployed.html
  221:  0.23%: Dec/31/96 09:32: /phod/accp/ag95/
  219:  0.23%: Dec/31/96 15:47: /phod/uot/uot2.html
  206:  0.21%: Dec/30/96 19:20: /phod/people/wilson/test.html
  201:  0.21%: Dec/23/96 22:27: /phod/uot/uot_projects.html
  193:  0.20%: Dec/31/96 16:24: /phod/dac/DACinfo.html
  190:  0.20%: Dec/25/96 01:23: /phod/uot/uot_ax7.html
  183:  0.19%: Dec/31/96 18:22: /phod/iorh/
  182:  0.19%: Dec/31/96 17:33: /phod/xbt.html
  178:  0.19%: Dec/31/96 14:35: /phod/uot/uot_technology.html
  168:  0.17%: Dec/24/96 16:45: /phod/wimp/grenada.html
  167:  0.17%: Dec/24/96 12:34: /phod/dac/gdpfut.html
  159:  0.17%: Dec/25/96 23:17: /phod/wimp/wimp_nat.html
  155:  0.16%: Dec/31/96 16:49: /phod/dac/hist_dist395.html
  154:  0.16%: Dec/29/96 16:13: /phod/uot/uot_objectives.html
  140:  0.15%: Dec/29/96 19:54: /phod/dac/iotraj.html
  134:  0.14%: Dec/31/96 15:52: /phod/uot/uot_intro.html
  130:  0.14%: Dec/25/96 20:54: /phod/wimp/caribb1.html
  130:  0.14%: Dec/31/96 16:50: /phod/dac/array_growth.html
  129:  0.13%: Dec/26/96 17:56: /phod/dac/nws_now.html
  128:  0.13%: Dec/26/96 15:57: /phod/wimp/sections.html
  125:  0.13%: Dec/30/96 18:06: /phod/wimp/dominica.html
  122:  0.13%: Dec/30/96 17:55: /phod/accp/ap95/studatl.html
  118:  0.12%: Dec/30/96 17:46: /phod/accp/ap95/acce.html
  112:  0.12%: Dec/31/96 01:07: /phod/people/baringer/resume.html
  110:  0.11%: Dec/28/96 02:28: /phod/pacs/atlpacsst.html
  107:  0.11%: Dec/24/96 06:23: /phod/accp/ap95/
   99:  0.10%: Dec/31/96 16:48: /phod/graphics/dacdata/worldfile_may96.html
   99:  0.10%: Dec/29/96 04:49: /phod/people/baringer/friends.html
   98:  0.10%: Dec/27/96 13:17: /phod/accp/ag95/sst.html
   93:  0.10%: Dec/28/96 18:15: /phod/uot/uot_design.html
   91:  0.09%: Dec/31/96 09:33: /phod/accp/ag95/rafos.html
   87:  0.09%: Dec/24/96 23:52: /phod/uot/uot_pub.html
   86:  0.09%: Dec/24/96 20:12: /phod/wimp/st_lucia.html
   83:  0.09%: Dec/31/96 11:32: /phod/accp/ap95/mid-d.html
   83:  0.09%: Dec/24/96 22:29: /phod/uot/uot_fy95_ref.html
   80:  0.08%: Dec/23/96 22:57: /phod/uot/uot_collection.html
   79:  0.08%: Dec/28/96 01:43: /phod/dac/gdpobjs.html
   77:  0.08%: Dec/ 8/96 19:34: /phod/graphics/dacdata/may96_eqanal.html
   77:  0.08%: Dec/26/96 14:02: /phod/uot/uot_fy96_plans.html
   77:  0.08%: Dec/31/96 21:28: /phod/dac/atlanticvel.html
   74:  0.08%: Dec/24/96 00:21: /phod/pacs/pacsrefs.html
   74:  0.08%: Dec/29/96 19:55: /phod/dac/nws_plan.html
   73:  0.08%: Dec/30/96 20:15: /phod/people/baringer/references.html
   73:  0.08%: Dec/28/96 06:17: /phod/uot/uot_model.html
   72:  0.07%: Dec/31/96 13:30: /phod/wimp/anegada.html
   72:  0.07%: Dec/26/96 08:55: /phod/dac/ioalldep.html
   72:  0.07%: Dec/25/96 13:37: /phod/uot/uot_process.html
   69:  0.07%: Dec/29/96 04:50: /phod/people/baringer/molly_links.html
   69:  0.07%: Dec/24/96 00:26: /phod/dac/gdptech.html
   67:  0.07%: Dec/27/96 06:11: /phod/accp/publ.html
   65:  0.07%: Aug/28/96 15:20: /phod/uot/uot_pilot.html
   65:  0.07%: Dec/28/96 02:50: /phod/people/baringer/molly_bookmarks.html
   64:  0.07%: Dec/29/96 06:28: /phod/pacs/nmcogcm.html
   64:  0.07%: Dec/30/96 18:12: /phod/people/baringer/Molly_projects.html
   63:  0.07%: Dec/26/96 09:32: /phod/dac/ioplndep.html
   63:  0.07%: Mar/26/96 00:48: /phod/dac/dec95_eqanal.html
   63:  0.07%: Dec/23/96 13:07: /phod/pacs/heatbal.html
   62:  0.06%: Dec/25/96 06:04: /phod/uot/uot_index.html
   62:  0.06%: Dec/28/96 19:59: /phod/uot/uot_progress.html
   61:  0.06%: Dec/27/96 03:06: /phod/accp/progdes.html
   61:  0.06%: Dec/25/96 21:19: /phod/wimp/passages.html
   60:  0.06%: Mar/29/96 12:52: /phod/dac/jan96_eqanal.html
   59:  0.06%: Dec/28/96 11:42: /phod/uot/uot_sampling.html
   58:  0.06%: Dec/27/96 04:02: /phod/accp/fy95.html
   58:  0.06%: Dec/ 1/96 02:12: /phod/graphics/dacdata/mar96_eqanal.html
   56:  0.06%: Dec/26/96 09:05: /phod/dac/iojanloc.html
   54:  0.06%: Dec/29/96 13:23: /phod/dac/sstcont.html
   53:  0.06%: Dec/30/96 19:58: /phod/wimp/st_vincent.html
   52:  0.05%: Dec/24/96 22:16: /phod/uot/uot_fy95_summary.html
   52:  0.05%: Dec/24/96 08:56: /phod/accp/ap95/hydrocont.html
   51:  0.05%: Dec/31/96 16:24: /phod/dac/pacifictraj.html
   51:  0.05%: Dec/31/96 21:24: /phod/pacs/atl_eof.html
   51:  0.05%: Dec/27/96 05:43: /phod/accp/fy96.html
   50:  0.05%: Dec/ 1/96 01:41: /phod/dac/dec95_globpop.html
   50:  0.05%: Dec/24/96 12:37: /phod/accp/ap95/clivar.html
   49:  0.05%: Dec/24/96 20:34: /phod/wimp/guadeloupe.html
   49:  0.05%: Dec/27/96 03:35: /phod/accp/aomlobj.html
   49:  0.05%: Dec/23/96 18:23: /phod/uot/uot_importance.html
   47:  0.05%: Dec/26/96 11:57: /phod/dac/moreless.html
   46:  0.05%: Dec/31/96 11:58: /phod/graphics/dacdata/sep96_eqanal.html
   45:  0.05%: Dec/23/96 19:51: /phod/uot/uot_info_ref.html
   45:  0.05%: Dec/25/96 01:05: /phod/uot/uot_committee.html
   44:  0.05%: Dec/24/96 13:44: /phod/accp/ap95/sstdy.html
   44:  0.05%: Dec/29/96 13:18: /phod/dac/sep95_globpop.html
   44:  0.05%: Dec/27/96 03:14: /phod/uot/uot_pilot2.html
   42:  0.04%: Jun/16/96 05:33: /phod/dac/jan96_globpop.html
   40:  0.04%: Nov/25/96 11:36: /phod/graphics/dacdata/aug96_eqanal.html
   39:  0.04%: Dec/23/96 14:15: /phod/graphics/dacdata/jul96_eqanal.html
   38:  0.04%: Dec/28/96 04:16: /phod/people/baringer/bib2reveal.html
   38:  0.04%: Dec/23/96 14:15: /phod/graphics/dacdata/feb96_eqanal.html
   36:  0.04%: Dec/25/96 22:08: /phod/wimp/wwwfig2.html
   33:  0.03%: Mar/ 5/96 21:14: /phod/dac/aug95_eqanal.html
   32:  0.03%: Nov/ 1/96 22:40: /phod/graphics/dacdata/readme_seqfoc.html
   29:  0.03%: Feb/19/96 16:07: /phod/dac/nov95_eqanal.html
   23:  0.02%: Dec/25/96 22:40: /phod/people/wilson/
   22:  0.02%: Sep/ 3/96 15:06: /phod/people/wilson/willy.html
69742: 72.55%: Dec/31/96 21:28: [not listed: 851 files]

This analysis was produced by analog3.0/Unix.
Running time: 1 minute, 20 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)