May 31, 1996


The compressed file,, contains 31 files of data from the SEQUAL (Seasonal Equatorial Atlantic) experiment, and 25 files of data from the FOCAL experiment, which was conducted by the French in the same area. Two additional files have also been included in the .zip file: format.txt and pcodtbl.txt. These files describe the data format and define the data variables contained in the data files (the contents of these files have been listed below).
WHOI Technical Report 85-31 'Surface Drifter Measurements in the Atlantic North Equatorial Countercurrent 1983-1985' describes the SEQUAL data, for which Philip L.Richardson was Principal Investigator. It is also discussed in Richardson, P.L., 1984. Drifting Buoy Trajectories in the Atlantic North Equatorial Countercurrent during 1983. Geophys. Res. Letts., Vol.11, No.8, pp.745-748. Gilles Reverdin was the Principal Investigator for FOCAL, and references for it are:

Reverdin, G., and A.Kartavtseff, 1984. Bouees FOCAL, Mai 1983- October 1984, Recueil des Trajectoires et Series Temporelles, Report, Lab. d'Oceanogr. Phys., Mus. Natl., Paris, 120 pp.

Reverdin, G., and M.J.McPhaden, 1986. Near-surface Current and Temperature Variability Observed in the Equatorial Atlantic from Drifting Buoys. J.Geophys. Res, Vol.91, pp.6569-6581.

This data set and these informational documents were provided to AOML by Christine Wooding of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

  The following is a description of the format used to store data from
  the surface drifters and SOFAR floats.  It is called FLOAT format. The
  records are variable length and are stored in an alphanumeric (current-
  ly ASCII) format.  This format is designed primarily for ease of editing,
  manual inspection of data, and transportability to other users and inst-

 Field     Position  Description
 _________ _________ _______________________________________________________

 EXPID     001-003   Experiment identifier;  character.
 source              This field is used to indicate the source or type 
                     of data.  Usually the first two (2) characters (001
                     -002) contain the code, such as "CG" for Coast Guard.
 BUOYID    004-009   Buoy identifier; character.
                     This field contains a six (6) character identifier
                     to be associated with the buoy.  The identifier must
                     be left justified in the field and may not contain
                     any embedded blanks.  Trailing blanks are acceptable.

 DATE      010-015   Date; integer.
 iyear     010-011   The "DATE" field contains the date of the data
 imonth    012-013   observation.  The date is stored as a year/month/day
 iday      014-015   combination.  Only the last two digits of the year
                     are used.  Thus October 4, 1981 is stored as 811004.
                     The zero is significant as a place holder.
 TIME      016-019   Time; integer.
 ihour     016-017   The "TIME" field contains the time of the data 
 iminute   018-019   observation (GMT).  The time is stored as a hour/minute
                     combination.  The hour component is taken from 00 
                     to 24 hours.  Thus, 3:08 p.m. is stored as 1508. 
                     The zero is significant as a place holder.

 LATITUDE  020-026   Latitude, degrees positive for North; real.
                     This field contains the latitude position of the
                     float at the time of the data observation.
 LONGITUDE 027-034   Longitude, degrees positive for East; real.
                     This field contains the longitude position of the
                     float at the time of the data observation.

 VALIDITY  035-040   Validity codes; character.
                     This field is to be used for various validity codes.
                     Some possible combinations are descibed below.
 PROCESS       035   Processing method.
                        1 - interpolated
                        3 - splined
                        4 - manual
                        5 - averaged
                        6 - Butterworth filtered
 POSITION      036   Position validity. This field is used to specify 
                     a code for those records which have a quality va-
                     lue associated with the position computation. This 
                     field contains a relative qualitative value for the 
                     reliablity of the measurement. The valid  range
                     of values is currently 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
                     A blank field or a zero is the default and repres-
                     ents  "unassigned."                                 
         Codes:  1   fewer than two TOAs or RMS range errors > 10 km
                 2   two TOAs;
                 3   more than two TOAs; RMS range errors < 10 km
                 4   more than two TOAs; RMS range errors <  5 km
                 5   more than two TOAs; RMS range errors <  2 km 
 VELOCITY      040   Velocity algorithm.
                         1 - backward differencing
                         2 - forward differencing
                         3 - splined
                         4 - Chebyshev
                         5 - averaged
 XEAST     041-050    East component of water velocity, cm/sec; real
                      This and the following field are reserved for 
                      storage of the water velocity components.  The 
                      velocity may be computed in any of a variety of
                      methods; the method used is described in the 
                      appropriate validity field.
                      A westerly direction of the velocity is negative.
 YNORTH    051-060    North component of water velocity, cm/sec; real.
                      This field contains the local north component of 
                      the water velocity.  Velocities to the South are 

 FIELD01   061-070    Parameter; real.
 FIELD02   071-080    The remainder of the record contains various fields
                      of data associated with the instrument and position.
                      (Note that this causes the records to be variable 
                      length, although all records should be the same
                      length for a given experiment and buoy.  Missing
                      data is indicated by a code value, obtained from
                      the file "PCODTBL.TXT").  
                      Each field is ten (10) characters long.  The first
                      character of the field will always contain an 
                      indicator of the data field type.  The codes are 
                      specified in the file "PCODTBL.TXT".  Once the 
                      field type has been determined the remainder of the
                      field may be processed accordingly.
                      Nominally the data will be stored in a G9.3 format.

 - ------------ ------------ ---- --------
 A WIND_SPEED   M/SEC        F9.3 -999.0
 B WIND_HEAD.   DEGREES      F9.1 -999.0
 C VALIDITY                  F6.0 0
 D VERT_DISP    METERS       F9.1 -9999.0
 E EAST         CM/SEC       G9.1 -9999.0
 F WIND_SP_(H)  M/SEC        F9.1 -999.0
 G WIND_VA_(H)  (M/SEC)**2   F9.1 -999.0
 H HEADING      DEGREES      G9.1 -999.0
 I reserved                  G8.0
 J JULIAN_DAY   DAYS         G9.0 -999.0
 L WIND_SP_(8)  M/SEC        F9.1 -999.0
 M WIND_VA_(8)  (M/SEC)**2   F9.1 -999.0
 N NORTH        CM/SEC       G9.1 -9999.0
 O reserved                  F9.1        
 P PRESSURE     DECIBARS     G9.2 -999.0
 S SALINITY     PPM.         G9.3 -999.0
 V SPEED        CM/SEC       G9.1 -9999.0
 W VERT_VEL     METERS/DAY   F9.4 -999.0
 X LONGITUDE    DEGREES      F8.3 -999.0
 Y LATITUDE     DEGREES      F7.3 -99.0
 Z DEPTH        METERS       F9.3 -999.0