11th International Coral Reef Symposium [electronic resource]: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, July 7-11, 2008.
QH95.8 .I5 11th (2008)
17th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 7-10, 1987, Miami, Fla. / sponsored by American Meteorological Society.
QC944 .T4 1987
23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology: 10-15 January 1999, Dallas, Texas / sponsored by American Meteorological Society.
QC944 .T4 1999 v.2
A tackle box guide to common saltwater fishes of southwest Florida / written by Ralph Allen; edited by Will Sheftall, John Stevely, Don Sweat; illustrated by James Seagle.
GC57.2 .F533 no.25
Advances in x-ray analysis. Vol. 25, [Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis held in Denver, Colorado, August 3-7, 1981] / edited by John C. Russ [and others]; sponsored by University of Denver Research Institute and Department of Chemistry, University of Denver.
QE391 .C2 R8 1982
Air Resources Laboratory ... report.
QC807.5.U6 A72 1993
Aircraft measurements of pollution species near Bermuda and the east coast of the United States during CASE-WATOX / R.L. Gunter, J.F. Boatman.
QC807.5.U6 A7 no.176
An Algorithm to derive optimal temperature and humidity profiles from ground- and space-based measurements / B.B. Stankov ... [et al.].
QC807.5.U6 W6 no.234
Analytical techniques for ambient sulfate aerosols / by S.A. Johnson [and others].
Author: Johnson, S. A.
QD96.I5 J636 1981
Annual review of physical chemistry.
QD1 .A65 1985
Applied group-theoretic and matrix methods / Bryan Higman.
Author: Higman, Bryan.
QA171 .H58 1964
Assessment for decision makers: scientific assessment of ozone depletion 2014.
QC879.7 .R46 no.56
The Atlantic Climate Change Program: proceedings from the Principal Investigators Meeting, May 14-16, 1996, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts / editor, Anne-Marie Wilburn.
QC981.8.C5 N635 1996
The Atlantic Climate Change Program: proceedings from the principal investigators meeting, May 9-11, 1994, NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey / editor, Anne-Marie Wilburn.
QC981.8.C5 N636 1994
Atmospheric transport processes / Elmar R. Reiter.
Author: Reiter, Elmar R.
QC880.4.T7 R44 v.1
Big data, little data, no data: scholarship in the networked world
Author: Borgman, Christine L., 1951-
AZ195 .B66 2015
Brevard County near shore ocean nutrification analysis / project director, John R. Proni; science team, Thomas P. Carsey, Ronald Ferry, Kelly D. Goodwin, Peter B. Ortner, John R. Proni, Peter K. Swart, Jia-Zhong Zhang.
QC807.5 .U661 no.37
Calling C from IDL using DLM's to extend your IDL code: making sense of the sometimes-confusing world of calling C from IDL / Ronn Kling.
QA76.73.I34 .K55 2001
Chemical kinetics and photochemical data for use in stratospheric modeling microform / NASA Panel for Data Evaluation; W.B. DeMore ... [et al.].
QC 881.2.S8 C4 no.9
Climate variability and predictability/tropical Atlantic variability (CLIVAR): special section / editor-in-chief, Stephen J. Mackwell.
QC875.2 .C55 v.30-no.5
Cool Infographic: Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design / Randy Krum.
T385 .K786 2014eb
Development of remote sensing algorithm for atmospheric aerosol properties by multi-wavelength multi-pixel method / Makiko Hashimoto.
QC882.42 .H37 2015
Differential games; a mathematical theory with applications to warfare and pursuit, control and optimization / Rufus Isaacs.
QA270 .I8
Elementary nuclear theory Hans A. Bethe and Philip Morrison.
QC173 .B48 1956
An evaluation of the direct aerosol radiative forcing from satellite remote sensing and climate modeling / Eiji Oikawa.
QC851 .W675 no.51
Finite-dimensional vector spaces.
QA261 .H33 1958
Getting to know ArcView GIS: the geographic information system (GIS) for everyone.
G70.212 .G49 1999
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS): annual report January through December 2003 / Robert L. Molinari, Ph.D, Director GOOS Center, NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida and Steven K. Cook, Manager, GOOS Center, NOAA/AOML LaJolla, California.
GC37 .A6 2003
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS): annual report January through December 2002 / Robert L. Molinari, Ph.D, Director GOOS Center, NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida and Steven K. Cook, Manager, GOOS Center, NOAA/AOML LaJolla, California.
GC37 .A6 2002
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS): annual report January through December 2001 / Robert L. Molinari, Ph.D, Director GOOS Center, NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida and Steven K. Cook, Manager, GOOS Center, NOAA/AOML LaJolla, California.
GC37 .A6 2001
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS): annual report January through December 2000 / Robert L. Molinari, Ph.D, Director GOOS Center, NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida and Steven K. Cook, Manager, GOOS Center, NOAA/AOML LaJolla, California.
GC37 .A6 2000
The grant writer's handbook: how to write a research proposal and succeed / Gerard M. Crawley, University of South Carolina, USA; Eoin O'Sullivan, University of Cambridge, UK.
Q180.55.G7 C73 2016
Handbook of applied mathematics, edited by Edward E. Grazda, Morris Brenner, assoc. editor, [and] William R. Minrath.
TA330 .G7 1966
Hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectories (HY-SPLIT): version 3.0 -- user's guide and model description / Roland R. Draxler.
QC807.5.U6 A7 no.195
IDL basics: interactive data language version 3.0 / Research Systems, Inc.
QA297 .R7 1992
IDL: User's Guide: Interactive Data Language Version 3.1.
QA297 .R71993
An Illustrated guide to linear programming / Saul I. Gass; illustrated by W.F. McWilliam.
QA265 .G31 1970
Indian Ocean experiment: INDOEX.
GC190 .I84 1996
The initial formulation of a technique to employ gradient information in a simple variational minimization scheme / Daniel Birkenheuer.
QC807.5.U6 G56 no.32
Injections of hospital humor / Harris Stewart; with illustrations by Kathleen Thelen.
PN6231.H63 S74 1996
Intensive study of three seeded clouds on May 16, 1968 / Joanne Simpson, William L. Woodley.
QC 807.5.U6 A6 no.8
Interactive data visualization for the web / Scott Murray.
QA76.73.J38 M87 2013
Introduction to biostatistics / Robert R. Sokal and F. James Rohlf.
QH405 .S62 1973
An introduction to information theory: symbols, signals & noise / John R. Pierce.
Q360 .P5 1980
Introduction to partial differential equations; from Fourier series to boundary-value problems / Arne Broman.
QA374 .B794
Introduction to quantum mechanics / by Robert H. Dicke and James P. Wittke.
QC174 .D5 1960
An introduction to the theory of stationary random functions.
QA276 .I1453 1962
Introduction to theoretical and computational fluid dynamics / C. Pozrikidis.
QA911 .P65 1997
Introduction to vector and tensor analysis / Robert C. Wrede.
QA261 .W7 1972
A large-scale CO_b2_s observing plan: in situ oceans and atmosphere (LSCOP) / In Situ Large-Scale CO_b2_s Observations Working Group.
QC879.8 .L37 2002
Learning Red Hat Linux / Bill McCarty.
QA76.76 .O63 B3 1999
Marine instrumentation '90: February 27-March 1, 1990, Holiday Inn on the Bay, San Diego, California: conference proceedings.
GC2 .I67 1990
Marine Technology Society journal.
GC1 .J63
Mathematical foundations of information theory. Translated by R.A. Silverman and M.D. Friedman.
Q175 .K443
MATLAB, high-performance numeric computation and visualization software: reference guide.
QA297 .M37 1992
The measurement of power spectra from the point of view of communications engineering / by R.B. Blackman and J.W. Tukey.
QA276 .B56 1959
MESA New York Bight Project water column chemistry data: cruises #6-12 of the NOAA ship Ferrel, April-November 1974 / Adrianna Y. Cantillo, George A. Berberian.
QC807.5 .U6 A5 no.92
Neptune's table: a view of America's ocean fisheries / Anneka Wright; director of photography, William B. Folsom.
SH221 .W75 2002
A new hydrographic data set for the South Pacific: synthesis of WOCE and historical data / by Victor Gouretski and Kai Jancke.
VK597 .U5 G6 no.2
NOAA ARL Mobile Flux Platform instrumentation integration on University of Alabama Sky Arrow environmental aircraft / P.G. Hall, E.J. Dumas, D.L. Senn.
QC807.5 .U6 A7 no.257
[NOAA Blue Book]: FY ... budget summary / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.
HJ2053 .U5 2002
Numerical analysis and partial differential equations: contemporary state of numerical analysis; linear partial equations / George E. Forsythe; Paul C. Rosenbloom.
QA297 .F6
Numerical methods for scientists and engineers / H. M. Antia.
TA335 .A58 2002
Numerical methods for scientists and engineers / R.W. Hamming.
QA297. H28 1973
Nutrient-enhanced coastal ocean productivity: proceedings of 1994 Synthesis Workshop, Baton Rouge, Louisiana / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Ocean Program Office.
QH91.8.M34 N88 1995
Organic molecular photophysics. Vol. 2. / [edited by] John B. Birks.
QC454.M6 1975
Overflow '73: the distribution of water masses on the Greenland-Scotland ridge in August/September 1973; a data-report / by T.J. Muller, J. Meincke and G.A. Becker.
QC807.5 .M8 no.36
Physical oceanographic study of Florida's Atlantic Coast region: Florida Atlantic Coast transport study (FACTS): final report / submitted by Florida Institute of Oceanography; [M. Rinkel ... et al].
GC281.F6 P57 v.1
Physics Pt. 1 / Robert Resnick; David Halliday
QC21 .R42 1966
Physics / Robert Resnick and David Halliday.
QC21 .R42 1962
Pioneer son at sea [electronic resource]: fishing tales of old Florida.
SH11 .V6 2016
A portable system for extraction of organics from thousand liter volumes of seawater / John M. Tokar, George R. Harvey, Larry A. Chesal.
QC807.5.U6 A5 no.53
The power of infographics: using pictures to communicate and connect with your audience / Mark Smiciklas.
P93.5 .S65 2012
Proceedings of a symposium on preliminary results from the September 1979 Researcher/Pierce IXTOC-I cruise, Key Biscayne, Florida, June 9-10, 1980 / Donald K. Atwood, convenor.
GC1221 .P7 1980 c.4
Programs and plans / Environmental Research Laboratories.
QC807.5 E58 1992/93
Quantum chemistry. Vol. 1: Quantum mechanics and molecular electronic structure / Ira N. Levine
TK7871.3 .L4 1970
Quantum mechanics / by John L. Powell and Bernd Crasemann.
QC174.12 .P68
Report of a workshop on the interannual variability of the Tropical Oceans and the Global Atmosphere (TOGA): Indian Ocean/Monsoon Climate Program (MCP): Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, February 14-16, 1984 / prepared for TOGA-US Project Office.
QC939.M7 R46 1985
(RITS) Radiatively important trace species, leg 1: January 3-January 26, 1990, Miami, Florida to Papeete, Tahiti. / George R. Harvey, chief scientist.
QH91.8.M34 R45 1990
(RITS) Radiatively important trace species, leg 2: January 29-February 18, 1990, Papeete, Tahiti to Pago Pago, Samoa. / George R. Harvey, chief scientist.
QH91.8 .M34 R46 1990 pt. 2
Science research writing for non-native speakers of English / Hilary Glasman-Deal.
PE1475 .G57 2010
Scientific writing: thinking in words / David Lindsay.
T11 .L52864 2011
Some results of single cloud pyrotechnic seeding in Florida, 1970 / William L. Woodley ... [et al.].
QC807.5.U6 A5 no.10
The state of coral reef ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States / by Donna D. Turgeon ... [et al.]; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in cooperation with partners from Federal, State, Territorial, and Commonwealth agencies, and the Pacific Freely Associated States.
QH541.5.C7 S7 2008
Statistics manual: with examples taken from ordnance development / by Edwin L. Crow, Frances A. Davis, and Margaret W. Maxfield.
QA276 .C7 1960
Storytelling with data: a data visualization guide for business professionals / Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic.
QA76.9.I52 K534 2015
A survey of numerical mathematics / by David M. Young and Robert Todd Gregory.
QA297 .Y63 1972 v.2
The theory of groups and quantum mechanics / by Hermann Weyl.
QA401 .W4 1931
A treatise on analytical dynamics / L.A. Pars.
QA845 .P3 1965
A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions, by G.N. Watson.
QA408 .W2 1922
A tsunami forecast model for Arena Cove, California / M.C. Spillane.
GC223 .P64 v.10
A tsunami forecast model for Kihei, Hawaii / E. Gica.
GC223 .P64 v.11
A tsunami forecast model for Santa Monica, California / D. Arcas.
GC223 .P64 v.9
Upper ocean warming: spatial patterns of trends and interdecadal variability / D.E. Harrison, Mark Carson.
GC58 .H347 2008
User's guide to ADMB2R, a set of AD model builder output routines compatible with the R statistics language / Jennifer L. Martin, Michael H. Prager, Andi
SH11.A2 S65 no.546
User's guide to C2R, a set of C language output routines compatible with the R statistics language / Andi Stephens, Michael H. Prager, Jennifer L. Martin.
SH11 .A3581 no.547
User's guide to For2R, a module of Fortran 95 output routines compatible with the R statistics language / Michael H. Prager, Jennifer L. Martin, Andi Stephens.
SH11 .A3581 no.548
WOCE accomplishments / U.S. WOCE Office.
GC228.5 .U871 2001
World port index.
D 5.317:150/ 13th ed. (1992)
Title: An XCP User's Guide and Reference Manual / Thomas B. Sanford, Eric A. D'Asaro, Eric L. Kunze, John H.Dunlap, Robert G. Drever, Maureen A. Kennelly, Mark D. Prater and Michael S. Horgan.
QC807. 5 .A5 1993