NOAA Miami Regional
Library at AOML and NHC
A Branch of the NOAA Central Library
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts - (Proquest) NOAA-wide, brought to you by NOAA Central and Regional Libraries
BioOne - NOAA-wide, brought to you by NOAA and the NOAA Central LibraryASFA is an indexing database service focusing on aquatic sciences, providing access to international developments in the science, technology, and management of marine, freshwater, and brackish water environments and organisms. ASFA offers citations and abstracts published research in scholoarly journals, books, conference proceedings, thesi, audio/video and blogs, podcasts and wiebsite formats. Basic and advances searches are available from several databases with links to browsable title lists including:
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (1971-current)
Earth, Atmospheric and Aquatic Science - full-text databse covers science and technology (1950-current)
MGA: Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (1950-current)
Thesauri are database-specific, and may limit your search results to documents from these databases: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) Thesaurus, Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Terms, Taxomonic Terms (Latin Names of Organisms Vocabulary)
A nonprofit publisher BioOne is a collection of 160 internet-based biology and science research journals. All BioOne articles are full-text, complete with illustrations and links from the original print source. BioOne is a collaboration between scientific organizations, including scholarly societies, museums, universities, organizations, and the private sector. Users my browse titles, publishers and subjects.
IP authenticated so you have desktop, full-text (from AOML and NHC) access to 20,000 online books published from 1996 to 2019. Searching from the landing page "online books" link returns only books that you can browse alphabetically, by subject or publication date. Searching from the center search box returns everything in the databased categorized by format type on the left i.e. journals, books or reference works. As a bonus, many of the artilces - but not all, are also accessible full-text. Results may also be filtered by author and author guidelines for submissions are easily viewable. Subject areas are boldly displayed on the landing page and include: chemistry, computer science and information tecnhology, earth, space and environmental sciences, mathematics & statistics, social and behavioral sciences and more.
EndNote (Bibliographic Software for Windows and Mac - downloads ) NOAA-wide
EndNote Tutorials
EndNote Desktop allows users to build and share citation lists . EndNote is fully incorporated into the Web of Science database and up to 500 citations can easily be exported at
one time. In addition to sharing resources with collaborators, this product allows users to access their personal bibliographies from home live via the internet using EndNote Web. You can use your Web of Science user name and password making it conveniently accessible.
Note: EndNote X9 for macOS will be extensively updated for compatibility prior to the launch of Catalina. If you already have EndNote X9, please install all updates as they become available to avoid interruption in your workflow.
Essential Science Indicators (Web of Science Group) NOAA-wide
Essential Science Indicators Tutorials
Essential Science Indicators is a unique compilation of performance statistics and trends extrapolated from counts of articles published in scholarly journals and the citations to those articles.InCites (Web of Science Group) NOAA-wide
InCites is a citation-based evaluation tool for academic and government administrators to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark output against peers and aspirational peers in a national or international context.
Journal Citation Reports is a comprehensive and unique resource that allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 11,000 scholarly and technical journals from more than 3,300 publishers in over 80 countries. It is the only source of citation data on journals, and includes virtually all areas of science, technology, and social sciences.
*Journal Citation Reports can show you the most frequently cited journals in a field, highest impact journals in a field and the largest journals in a field. JCR impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period. *The annual Journal Citation Reports impact factor is a ratio between citations and recent citable items published: a journal's impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years.
JSTOR - (v.1 - 2012) NOAA-wide *Some journals via JSTOR may be available beyond 2012
JSTOR enables discovery, access, and preservation of scholarly content in full-text. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration currently participates in the following JSTOR Collection(s): Area Studies (609 titles), Arts (1641 titles), Business and Economics (2111 titles), History (8090 titles), Humanities (8315 titles), Law (842 titles), Medicine and Allied Health (718 titles), Science and Mathematics (3110 titles), Social Sciences (11541 titles). Journals in JSTOR have "moving walls" that define the time lag between the most current issue published and the content available in JSTOR, usually a 5 year lag. Full-Text access to these resources is available but the range of access is dependent upon the publisher’s moving wall agreement. For precise years of journal access, please see the library’s e-journals page.
Ebooks through JSTOR: JSTOR now has 100+ titles available at no cost to libraries or users. JSTOR offers a growing list of Open Access ebooks from respected presses, such as University of California Press and Cornell University Press. The titles are freely available for anyone to use under the terms of a Creative Commons license; there’s no need to create a JSTOR account, and no limits on chapter downloads or printing.
Lexis Advance - Lexis® Research System . brought to you by the Department of Commerce
Federal and state legal and legislative databases applying machine learning, natural language processing and visualization technology to searching and results. Filters include scientific' subject areas with practice areas in administrative law, maritime law, copyright law, environmental law, international law, legal ethics, and many more. Lexis provides
'Shepardizing' to see if a case has been overturned, reaffirmed, questioned or cited by later cases.
MGA - Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (1974 - current) NOAA-wide
Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA) contains records drawn from the World's literature on meteorology, climatology, atmospheric chemistry and physics, astrophysics, hydrology, glaciology, physical oceanography and environmental sciences. Summaries from over 600 journal titles, as well as conference proceedings, books, technical reports and other monographs are included.
Nexis - Nexis provides access to the most comprehensive news, business and legal information source on the market.
Publons provides the account holder with a unique alpha-numberic identifier. This ID is associated to all of the authors articles published in peer reviewed scholarly journals and indexed in Web of Science databases. Authors may create profiles associated with their ID eliminating author misidentification and generating citation analysis metrics instantly. Search the registry to find collaborators, review publication lists and explore how research is used around the world. Downloadable record summarising your scholarly impact as an author, editor and peer reviewer.
Science Direct (Elsevier) (1995 - current) AOML, NHC, GFDL, FKNMS, Woods Hole, Narragansett, Highlands, Milford, Panama City, Pascagoula
NOAA-subscribed titles are freely available in full-text format to participating libraries. These journals primarily cover aquaculture, oceanography, computing, and the atmospheric sciences. Per our agreement for non-subscribed titles a $22 charge per article will be imposed or you can submit an interlibrary loan.
Springerlink (1997 - current) SE, NE, FKNMS
Springerlink provides access to electronic titles consortia-wide, including journals on climate, biology, ecology, geophysics, chemistry, meteorology, and fisheries.
Web of Science Group - primary (1970 - current) NOAA Wide
Training Portal - Clarivate Analytics, the company that maintains Web of Science, offers self paced training and a calendar of live training webinars for
all of the Web of Science database tools : Web of Science Core Collection, InCites, Essencial Science Indicators, Journal Citation
Reports, EndNote, Publons (formerly Researcher ID) and Kopernio - described above alphabetically.
"Web of Science is a subscription-based scientific citation indexing service of peer reviewed research literature linked to a rigorous selected core of journals, captured medadata and citation connections. Web of Science platform connects the Web of Science Core Collection to regional citation indexes, patent data, specialized subject indexes, and an index of research data sets, totaling over 33,000 journals, workshops, conference proceedings and more. Web of Science also provides cited reference searching, to track citations to publications and provides citation analysis and H-index metrics.
Once you register your personal password and id they can be used on the following: WOS, Publons, Endnote and Endnote Web.
Wiley (Journal articles - various titles and years) AOML and NHC/WFO have lab specific, full-text access to purchased titles that change annually.
Additonally, we have access to back years to some titles purchased by our NOAA Library group. The following are purchased specifically for AOML/NHC
and available thourgh 2020: Geophysical Research Letters, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, International Journal of Climatology, Journal of Geophysical
Research: Atmospheres, Biogeosciences, Earth Surface, Oceans, Meteorological Applications and Weather.