Table 1:

Number of profiles, broken down by month, that are either real-time (RT), delayed mode (DM) or duplicates (Dups) for 1990 data. There are 13135 real-time profiles and 5893 delayed mode profiles for 1990. After removing the duplicates from the combined RT and DM datasets the total number of profiles is 16866. There are 2162 profiles from the DM data that are higher resolution duplicates of the RT data. The remaining 3731 are actually "new" profiles, i.e., ones that were not received in real-time mode. There are still 11071 RT profiles that need to be updated, and there probably are a number of profiles that were not submitted as either RT or DM.
Month		Received	Received	Received	Dups	Unique	Unique	Unique
		RT		DM		Total			RT	DM	TOTAL

Jan		  593		 220		  813		   61	   535	 217	  752
Feb		 1005		 391		 1396		  112	   896	 388	 1284
Mar		 1181		 231		 1412		   84	  1097	 231	 1328
Apr		 1147		 402		 1549		  183	   987	 379	 1366
May		 1174		 442		 1616		  182	   996	 438	 1434
Jun		  972		 760		 1732		  239	   742	 751	 1493
Jul		 1307		 609		 1916		  282	  1031	 603	 1634
Aug		 1221		 766		 1987	     	  213	  1016	 758	 1774
Sep		 1208	         694	         1902	          324	   902   676     1578
Oct		 1220	         583 		 1803	          274	   963	 566     1529
Nov   		 1121		 376		 1497	 	  109	  1016	 372	 1388
Dec	          986		  419		 1405		   99	   890	416	 1306
		_____		____		____		____	______	____	_____
		13135		5893		19028		2162	11071	5795	16866

Table 2:

Number of profiles, broken down by month, that are either real-time (RT), delayed mode (DM) or duplicates (Dups) for 1991 data. There are 9951 real-time profiles and 5940 delayed mode profiles for 1991. After removing the duplicates f rom the combined RT and DM datasets the total number of profiles is 13056. There are 2835 profiles from the DM data that are higher resolution duplicates of the RT data. The remaining 3105 are actually "new" profiles, i.e., ones that were not received i n real-time mode. There are still 7116 RT profiles that need to be updated, and there probably are a number of profiles that were not submitted as either RT or DM.

Month	Received  Received	Received	Dups	Unique	    Unique	Unique	
	  RT	      DM	  Total		          RT	      DM	Total	

Jan 989 570 1559 231 758 570 1328 Feb 1124 571 1695 281 843 571 1414 Mar 1071 605 1676 398 673 605 1278 Apr 757 373 1130 205 552 373 925 May 846 349 1195 203 643 349 992 Jun 812 563 1375 257 555 563 1118 Jul 946 625 1571 198 748 625 1373 Aug 723 494 1217 227 496 494 990 Sep 794 446 1240 244 550 446 996 Oct 565 483 1048 180 385 483 868 Nov 690 412 1102 162 528 412 940 Dec 634 449 1083 249 385 449 834 ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ___ ____ 9951 5940 15891 2835 7116 5940 13056

Table 3:

A cruise report is generated to identify problems and notify ships so that problem can be corrected as soon as possible. A list of ships that deployed more than 100 profiles is given as well as the number of real-time and delayed mode data.

Ship name		Call_sign	Year		# of XBT's		# Flagged	
							RT	DM		RT	DM	

Delaware II		316G		1990		0	126		0	16	
Oregon II		316O		1990		0	224		0	15	
Vreeland (FF-68)	3174		1990		0	128		0	3	
Malcolm Baldrige	3175		1990		0	118		0	8	
Semmes (DDG-18)		31EM		1990		0	124		0	1	
Peterson (DD-969)	31TV		1990		0	159		0	7	
Richmond K. Turner
 (CG-20)		31Z8		1990		0	180		0	1	
Sea-Land Achiever	323Q		1990		0	159		0	40	
Thomas S. Gates
 (CG-51)		3271		1990		0	192		0	1	
DeYo (DD-989)		32IZ		1990		0	129		0	3	
Polar Sea		32L9		1990		0	354		0	56	
Oleander		32OD		1990		0	488		0	37	
Chapman			32YN		1990		0	202		0	27	
Renoir			35A1		1990		0	193		0	3	
Csav Rapel		35BW		1990		0	158		0	1	
Brisbane Star		35BY		1990		0	257		0	3	
CGM Ronsard		35CV		1990		0	157		0	2	
Delmas Surcouf		35LW		1990		0	319		0	3	
A. Nizery		35NI		1990		0	168		0	11	
Suzanne Delmas		35VM		1990		0	143		0	2	
Columbus Ohio		54CA		1990		0	177		0	20	
Ocean Weather
 Station Lima		C7L		1990		101	0		7	0	
Alfred Needler		CG2683		1990		114	0		5	0	
Wilfred Templeman	CGDV		1990		446	0		3	0	
Platform Nordsee	DA9100		1990		317	0		1	0	
Koln Express		DAKE		1990		586	0		67	0	
Polar stern		DBLK		1990		171	0		10	0	
Monte Rosa		DGLM		1990		159	0		14	0	
Puritan			DHOU		1990		122	0		9	0	
Lappland		DLEZ		1990		113	0		11	0	
Pacprince		ELED7		1990		111	0		39	0	
Pacprincess		ELED8		1990		110	0		15	0	
Columbus Ohio		ELHL6		1990		113	0		11	0	
Musson			EREA		1990		387	0		8	0	
Viktor Bugayev		ERES		1990		250	0		10	0	
Georgiy Ushakov		ERET		1990		242	0		4	0	
Ernst Krenkel		EREU		1990		172	0		6	0	
Persey III		ESGU		1990		238	0		3	0	
Nour			FNBA		1990		111	0		2	0	
Delmas Surcouf		FNCZ		1990		133	0		9	0	
Lafayette		FNGS		1990		139	0		2	0	
CGM  Renoir		FNOM		1990		104	0		5	0	
Cumulus			GACA		1990		264	0		16	0	
Delaware II		KNBD		1990		170	0		13	0	
Unknown			LAT2		1990		190	0		0	0	
Unknown			LAT3		1990		120	0		0	0	
Unknown			LAT4		1990		273	0		0	0	
Seas Eiffel		PASF		1990		0	122		0	0	
Sin Tong		PGDG		1990		159	0		13	0	
Oleander		PJYG		1990		139	0		31	0	
Unknown			SHIP		1990		195	0		3	0	
Vladimir Parshin	UINF		1990		169	0		2	0	
     Multanovskiy	UJFO		1990		148	0		1	0	
Professor Zubov	UMFW	1990		164		0	10		0	
Professor Vize		UPUI		1990		134	0		2	0	
Passat	  		UZGH		1990		184	0		1	0	
Gadus Atlantica	VC9450	1990		180		0	1		0	
Aircraft		VXN8		1990		293	0		33	0	
Galveston Bay		WPKD		1990		146	0		44	0	
Oregon II		WTDO		1990		165	0		11	0	

Ship name		Call_sign	Year		# of XBT's		# Flagged	
							RT	DM		RT	DM	

1991 0 315 0 50 Csav Rapel 3EET4 1991 30 115 5 0 Vina del Mar CBVM 1991 56 75 8 7 Alfred Needler CG2683 1991 189 0 2 0 Wilfred Templeman CGDV 1991 549 0 2 0 Platform Nordsee DA9100 1991 659 0 3 0 Koln Express DAKE 1991 485 0 50 0 Polar Stern DBLK 1991 181 0 6 0 Monte Rosa DGLM 1991 162 0 36 0 Puritan DHOU 1991 107 0 11 0 Ariana DIDA 1991 22 128 2 3 Pacprince ELED7 1991 11 345 2 97 Pacprincess ELED8 1991 84 42 4 2 Columbus Ohio ELHL6 1991 66 68 4 11 Musson EREA 1991 275 0 5 0 Viktor Bugayev ERES 1991 152 0 3 0 Nour ERET 1991 299 0 9 0 Delmas Surcouf FNBA 1991 105 0 0 0 CGM Utrillo FNCZ 1991 15 213 3 4 Lafayette FNGS 1991 44 179 4 7 CGM Renoir FNOM 1991 45 111 7 2 Cumulus GACA 1991 336 0 158 0 Tilly H8CB 1991 0 156 0 4 Rowan Bank J8FN 1991 1 386 0 48 Algoa Bay J8FO 1991 99 409 11 60 Delaware II KNBD 1991 51 54 1 5 Sea Wolf KNFG 1991 15 256 5 71 Bain Bridge NJUL 1991 0 133 0 1 Hamilton NMAC 1991 0 150 0 2 Virginia (CGM-38) NVYA 1991 0 124 0 2 Oleander PJJU 1991 151 0 58 0 Unknown SHIP 1991 1273 0 41 0 Unknown TUNI 1991 208 0 0 0 Vladimir Parshin UINF 1991 121 0 0 0 Passat UZGH 1991 164 0 2 0 West Moor V2PM 1991 278 0 36 0 Gadus Atlantica VC9450 1991 508 0 10 0 Lady Hammond VC9616 1991 178 0 1 0 Galveston Bay WPKD 1991 70 516 38 222 Malcolm Baldrige WTER 1991 75 175 2 9 West Moor ZCAQ9 1991 0 182 0 21

Table 4:

Scientific Quality Control (QC) procedures were developed to set flags on the temperature-depth profiles without changing or deleting data values from any profile. Every profile is examined and each data point is assigned one of the f ollowing 5 flag values. One of 11 reasons (Table 5) is given for each flag value of 3 or 4.

	Flag		Quality			Description

0 none These data have not yet been quality controlled. 1 good These data are of good quality, no error have been identified. 2 "probably" good These data are of probably good quality, some unusual features are present but these can not be identified as erroneous features. 3 "probably" bad These data are of suspect quality, some unusual, and probably erroneous features are observed. 4 bad These data are of bad quality, obviously erroneous values are observed. 5 data changed These data have been changed.

Table 5:

Reasons for flags 3 or 4, see Daneshzadeh et. al., (1994) and Bailey et. al., (1994) for additional detail.

Code			Description	

CT		Constant temperature, Hit bottom error	
FS		Fine structure error: Leakage, PET fault, Cusping, Sticking bit	
ML		Mixed layer error: Bowing	
NG		No good profile	
PE		Position error	
SF		Surface Feature error: surface anomaly, chopped surface	
TE		Time error	
TI		Temperature inversion error: wire stretch	
TG		Temperature gradient error: insulation penetration, spikes, high frequency	
TO		Temperature offset error	
UR		Under resolved	

Table 6:

The total number of profiles, duplicates, good profiles (flag value assigned 1 or 2), bad profiles (flag value assigned 3 or 4), and the number of flags are shown broken down by month for 1990 data.

Mon	Total   Dups	RT	DM 	Good	  Bad	        flag of
      Profiles		 	     Profiles   Profiles     1   2   3  4	 		 

Jan	 813	 61	535	217	720	  32	   711   9   24   8	
Feb	1396	112	896	388    1191	  93	  1171  20   83  10	
Mar	1412	 84    1097	231    1291	  37	  1226  65   32   5	
Apr	1549	183	987	379    1310	  56	  1270  40   44	 12	
May	1616	182	996	438    1375       59	  1337  38   38  21	
Jun	1732	239	742	751    1394	  99	  1375  19   76	 23	
Jul	1916	282    1031	603    1534	 100	  1495	39   84  16	
Aug	1987	213    1016	758    1642	 132	  1613	29  109  23	
Sep	1902	324	902	676    1460	 118	  1426  34   84  34	
Oct	1803	274	963	566    1321	 208      1304  17  132  76	
Nov	1497	109    1016	372    1281	 107	  1262	19   68  39	
Dec	1405 	 99	890	416    1213	  93	  1195	18   55	 38	
	____	___	___	___ 	____	____	 _____	__  ___	 __

       19028   2162   11071    5795   15732	1134	 15385 347  829	305	

Table 7:

The total number of reasons given to 1990 data for each profile with a flag value of 3 or 4. A profile may contain more than one reason (i.e., bad surface feature in upper 3.7m and hit bottom feature).

Jan	0	0	3	5	8	14	0	0	0	0	2	
Feb	0	0	7	31	9	32	0	0	0	0	14	
Mar	2	0	2	8	0	5	0	0	0	0	20	
Apr	4	0	7	13	6	7	0	0	0	0	19	
May	6	0	3	14	8	7	0	0	0	0	21	
Jun	6	0	6	30	8	22	0	0	0	0	27	
Jul	10	0	10	37	7	11	0	0	0	0	25	
Aug	0	2	8	78	5	17	0	0	0	0	22	
Sep	6	0	11	50	3	13	0	0	0	0	37	
Oct	3	0	18	101	7	38	0	0	0	0	41	
Nov	1	0	9	39	3	25	0	0	0	0	31	
Dec	2	1	14	24	5	23	0	0	0	0	25	
	40	3	98	430	69	214	0	0	0	0	284	

Table 8:

The total number of profiles, duplicates, good profiles (flag value assigned 1 or 2), profiles (flag value assigned 3 or 4), and the number of flags are shown broken down by month for 1991 data.

Mon	Total   Dups   RT    DM     Good 	Bad 	     	flag of
     Profiles		         Profiles     Profiles    1    2   3  4

Jan	1559	 231   758   570   1176	        152	1164  12  117 35	
Feb	1695	 281   843   571   1288	        126	1275  13   94 32	
Mar	1676	 398   673   605   1129	        149     1121   8   90 59	
Apr	1130     205   552   373    786	        139      776  10   77 62	
May	1195     203   643   349    850         142	 844   6  115 27	
Jun	1375	 257   555   563    983		135	 975   8   84 51	
Jul	1571	 198   748   625   1219		154	1217   2   99 55	
Aug	1217	 227   496   494    837		153	 821  16  119 34	
Sep	1240	 244   550   446    898	         98      874  24   57 41	
Oct	1048	 180   385   483    770	         98      757  13  88  10	
Nov	1102	 162   528   412    855 	 85      826  29  77   8	
Dec	1083	 249   385   449    773	         61      759  14  45  16
	_____	____   ____  ____   ____	 __	____  __  __  __

15891 2835 7116 5940 11564 1492 1409 155 1062 430

Table 9:

The total number of reasons given to 1991 data for each profile with a flag value of 3 or 4. A profile may contain more than one reason (i.e., bad surface feature in upper 3.7m and hit bottom feature).

Jan	0	6	22	42	12	54	6	2	0	0	14	
Feb	0	1	13	24	14	60	11	0	0	0	13	
Mar	0	0	22	88	9	50	8	0	0	0	2	
Apr	2	0	26	34	19	46	17	0	0	0	6	
May	0	0	14	64	18	36	4	1	0	0	9	
Jun	0	0	14	45	12	55	8	1	0	0	6	
Jul	0	2	18	65	18	31	10	0	0	0	17	
Aug	0	1	15	103	7	18	2	3	0	0	6	
Sep	0	0	10	56	7	27	0	0	0	0	2	
Oct	0	1	5	53	7	28	0	0	0	0	6	
Nov	0	0	7	14	9	48	0	0	0	0	7	
Dec	0	1	6	9	14	29	0	1	0	0	3	
	2	12	172	597	146	482	66	8	0	0	91