Structure for data file: N796PIGS.TXT Number of records: 158 Date of preparation: 12/5/96 Field Field Name Type Width Dec Field Description 1 Trn Character 2 Transect 2 Stn Character 6 Station 3 SampD Numeric 4 1 Depth (m) of Pigment and Suspended Sediment samples 4 MeanC Numeric 5 2 Mean Chlorophyll A (µg/L) 5 MeanP Numeric 5 2 Mean Phaeopigments (µg/L) 6 Total Numeric 5 2 MeanTotal Pigments (µg/L) 7 MeanF Numeric 5 2 Mean of Fo/Fa Ratios 8 SS(mg/l) Numeric 4 1 Suspended Sediments (mg/L)