Structure for data file: N796-CTD.txt Number of records: 2049 Date of preparation:12/5/96 Field Field Name Type Width Dec Field Description 1 Trn Text 2 Transect 2 Stn Text 6 Station 3 DepS Numeric 6 3 Depth of SeaBird p-sensor (Meters) 4 OxMg Numeric 6 3 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 5 Sal00 Numeric 6 3 Salinity (Parts Per Thousand) 6 Fls Numeric 5 2 in vivo Fluorescence (Volts) 7 T068 Numeric 6 3 Temperature (degrees Centigrade) 8 C0S/m Numeric 5 3 Conductivity (S/m) 9 Xmiss Numeric 4 1 Per cent Light Transmission 10 Sigma-t00 Numeric 6 3 Density (Sigma-t) 11 OxPS Numeric 5 1 Dissolved Oxygen (per cent Saturation) 12 Alt Numeric 4 1 Altimeter distance from bottom (ft)