Project: Hypoxia Monitoring and Carbon Process Studies, Transect C, 1994 PIs: Nancy N. Rabalais, LUMCON; R. Eugene Turner, LSU; William J. Wiseman, Jr., LSU Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, salinity and depth were measured with a Hydrolab Surveyor 3 multiparameter water quality logging system. Calibration pre- and post-cruise is conducted with known KCl molar solutions (specific conductance and salinity) and known pH solutions (pH). The dissolved oxygen probe is calibrated to water saturated air at a known temperature and barometric pressure (laboratory grade barometer). The temperature probe and depth probe are not calibrated. The depth probe is field-calibrated before each deployment. Routine maintenance is conducted on the Hydrolab Surveyor 3, along with an annual check by Hydrolab Corp. Salinity samples are taken for laboratory determination on an AutoSal and a correction made, if necessary. Values for salinity and % oxygen saturation are derived internally by the Hydrolab Surveyor 3. Calculations were made for density (sigma-t). Data were omitted from the top of the cast if concentrations indicated that the CTD probes had been brought up into the air and not equilibrated once back in the water. Water for chlorophyll and nutrient analyses were collected from the surface by bucket and from mid-water in 5-l Niskin bottles on a cable. Discrete depth samples at C6B were determined by a combined Hydrolab- Niskin bottle. Near-bottom water samples were collected from 5-l Niskins bottles on a cable taken to as close to the bottom as possible. The corresponding depth for the near-bottom water sample is the deepest depth recorded by the Hydrolab Surveyor 3. Water for chlorophyll analysis (40 - 100 ml) is filtered on board ship through GF/F filters, which are then fixed in 5 ml of DMSO/90% acetone (40/60) solution, allowed to extract for at least two hours in the dark, then measured pre- and post-acidification on a Turner Model 10 fluorometer. The fluorometer is calibrated for chlorophyll a against a chemical supply house chlorophyll a standard measured on a spectrophotometer. Occasionally, water samples for chlorophyll are filtered, frozen in liquid nitrogen, then returned to the laboratory for subsequent analyses. Samples for nutrients were frozen on board ship for later analysis in the laboratory. Nitrogen and phosphorus were analyzed according to methods described in EPA publication EPA 600/4-79-020 (1979), method 350.1 for ammonia-N, method 353.2 for nitrate/nitrite-N, and method 365.1 for phosphate-P. Silicate was analyzed according to Technicon Industrial method 186-72 W/B (1977). Hydrolab data, chlorophyll determinations, and general cruise logistics are supervised and quality controlled by Nancy Rabalais. Nutrient analyses are conducted by Tom Oswald under the supervision of R. E. Turner. Data preparations are conducted by Ben Cole under the supervision of Nancy Rabalais.