FY06-07 Achievements
- Finalized the software routines that are required to run the decay model
in real-time
- Developed code to run an updated version of the Kaplan/DeMaria decay
model to obtain real-time estimates of the maximum wind and
the radii of 64,50 and 34 kt winds
- Ran the updated version of the decay model in real-time during the 2006
hurricane season
- Evaluated decay model performance on an independent sample of 11
hurricanes that made landfall in the Atlantic and E. Pacific basins
during the 2004-2006 hurricane seasons
- Presented decay model results at the 61st Interdeparmental Hurricane
FY07-08 Milestones
- Test the decay model in real-time during the 2007 and 2008 Atlantic and E.
Pacific hurricane seasons
- Evaluate decay model performance for suitable landfalling storms