Mission Summary

19791016I1 N43RF
Tropical Depression Tropical 1979

Flight Crew ( N43RF )
FlightDirectr Rossby
Electric Tech Sims
Radar Tech Loudin

Scientific Crew ( N43RF )
Lead Proj Sci Jorgensen NHEML
Cloud Physics Clos NHEML
Radar Science Datzman NHEML

Take off Landing
Miami, Fla 1000 UTC Miami, Fla 2000 UTC

Mission Summary :

NHEML research into tropical depression south of Cuba. Fly pattern III w/80 n mi legs
The flight took off from Miami, Fla at 1000Z on 10/16/1979 and landed at Miami, Fla at 2000Z with 2 penetrations.

Mission Data :

Data Tapes
Radar 6 1123 Z1857 Z
Cloud Phy 7

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