DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE                    
                       Air Force Reserve Command                     

MEMORANDUM FOR ARWO Scheduler                               25 Oct 12

FROM: 53 WRS Flight Meteorologist                                    

SUBJECT: Mission Summary Report                                      

                G E N E R A L  I N F O R M A T I O N                 
| Mission Type        | Hurricane                                            |
| Tasking             | 25OCT 12Z AND 18Z FIXES SANDY                        |
| Mission ID          | 5308 0618A SANDY                                     |
| Departure Base/Time | KBIX 10/25/12 08:20                                  |
| Arrival Base/Time   | KBIX 10/25/12 20:09                                  |
| Flight Time         |       9.8   hours                                    |

                          F I X   P O I N T S              
|                | Latitude  | Longitude  |  SLP  | MWnd |  SWS  |           |
|    Date/Time   | dd mm N/S | ddd mm E/W |   mb  |  kt  |   kt  | Hurricane |
| 10/25/12 11:47 | 21 38 N   | 075 31 W   |  967  |  58  |   67  |    X      |
| 10/25/12 13:29 | 22 08 N   | 075 28 W   |  965  | 107  |   79  |    X      |
| 10/25/12 15:07 | 22 43 N   | 075 27 W   |  967  |  50  |   71  |    X      |
| 10/25/12 17:06 | 23 18 N   | 075 24 W   |  963  | 109  |   84  |    X      |

                      C R E W   R O S T E R                          
|AC   | MCLUEN                                                               |
|CP   | ALLEN/ BOUDREAUX                                                     |
|Nav  | PRICE                                                                |
|ARWO | HARTER                                                               |
|LM   | CALLOWAY, LEVI                                                       |
|OTHER|                                                                      |

Met systems across the board (09-10Z) at 400mb appear to be 15-20m 
lower than 06Z balloon 400 HSS 
near TBW.  However, they appeared to agree pretty well with the chart 
heights.   Recent comments in the green book gave the met systems
high marks at 400mb.   SFMR, hygrometer good.  Sondes horrendous.  Apparently a bad batch.  

Penetrations Logged:  4            ARWO:___HARTER_________________________________

Penetrations Verified:          Verifier:____________________________________

Penetrations Posted:              Awards:____________________________________