Mission Summary
20151005N1 Aircraft 49RF
Synoptic Surveillance flight

Aircraft Crew (49RF)
Aircraft CommanderRon Moyers
Co-pilotKristie Twining
Co-pilotDoug MacIntyre
Flight DirectorMike Holmes
Flight DirectorRich Henning
Elec. TechnicianGabe Defeo
Dropsonde OperatorJeff Newnam
Dropsonde OperatorJeff Hartberger
Scientific Crew (49RF)

Proposed NOAA 49 track

Final NOAA 49 track

Mission Plan :

NOAA 49RF will carry out a CPHC-tasked Synoptic Surveillance mission around Tropical Storm Oho south of Hawaii.

Synoptic Suveillance MISSION PLAN: Oho
Prepared by the National Hurricane Center
October 04, 2015 4:34:01 PM
Aircraft: N49RF
Proposed takeoff: 05/1730Z
# LAT LON Time
deg min deg min hr:min
1 20 30-159 000:11
2 20 00-161 000:27
3 18 30-161 000:40
4 19 00-159 000:56
5 18 40-156 531:13
6 17 21-156 221:25
7 16 18-157 121:35
8 15 00-157 301:46
9 13 42-157 121:57
10 12 39-156 222:08
11 12 05-155 102:19
12 12 05-153 502:30
13 12 39-152 382:41
14 13 42-151 482:51
15 15 00-151 303:02
16 15 00-150 003:14
17 14 00-148 003:32
18 13 00-149 003:44
19 12 00-148 003:55
20 11 00-147 004:07
21 11 00-145 304:19
22 12 30-145 004:32
23 14 00-145 004:44
24 15 00-146 304:59
25 16 00-145 005:13
26 17 30-145 005:26
27 19 00-146 005:40
28 19 00-147 305:52
29 19 00-149 006:04
30 17 30-149 306:17
31 16 30-150 006:26
32 16 18-151 486:41
33 17 21-152 386:52
34 17 55-153 507:02
35 17 55-155 107:13
Mission Summary :

Take off Landing
Honolulu, HI 17:06 UTC Honolulu, HI 00:57 UTC

36 dropsondes deployed, 1 bad but 35 good and sent.

Problems :

Mission Data :

Flight track

Temperature and Moisture

Wind and Atlitude

Flight Director's log | Flight Director's manifest | NetCDF data | One second data | serial data

Page last updated Feb. 8, 2016
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