Mission Summary
20090716I1 Aircraft 43RF
AXBT flight into Gulf of Mexico 2009

Aircraft Crew (43RF)
Aircraft Commander
Flight Engineer
Flight Director
Flight Director
Dropsonde Operator
Dropsonde Operator
Dropsonde Operator
Dropsonde Operator
Scientific Crew (43RF)
Lead Project ScientistEric Uhlhorn
AXBT ScientistBen Jaimes (RSMAS)
Radar ScientistHeather Winter

Mission Plan :

The P-3 is tasked by HRD to carry out an AXBT Ocean Survey mission around the Gulf of Mexico, gathering sea surface temperature and ocean heat content information as background for any tropical activity in the GOM this season. The aircraft will depart MacDill AFB, FL 14:00 UTC and return to MacDill AFB, FL by 22:00 UTC.

Mission Summary :

The P-3 completed an HRD-tasked AXBT Ocean Survey mission around the Gulf of Mexico, gathering sea surface temperature and ocean heat content information as background for any tropical activity in the GOM this season. The aircraft departed MacDill AFB, FL 14:00 UTC and returned to MacDill AFB, FL at 22:00 UTC.

Problems :

Mission Data :

Flight Director's log | NetCDF files

Page last updated October 9, 2009
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