Mission Summary

19840909H1 N42RF
Tropical Storm Diana 1984

Flight Crew ( N42RF )
FlightDirectr Parrish

Scientific Crew ( N42RF )
Lead Proj Sci Burpee HRD
Radar Science Dodge HRD
Radar Science Bluestein HRD

Take off Landing
Miami, Fl 1337 UTC Miami, Fl 2202 UTC

Mission Summary :

Vortex Dynamics Experiment (modified by coast), 3 fixes
The flight took off from Miami, Fl at 1337Z on 09/09/1984 and landed at Miami, Fl at 2202Z with 3 penetrations.

Mission Data :

1 second data

Flight Director log | Lead Scientist log | Radar log | Cloud Physics log | AXBT log | Dropsonde log

Flight Track

Temp & Dew Point

Wind & Altitude

Flight Track

Data Tapes
Radar 17 1425 Z2140 Z
OAO Standard 1 1325 Z2204 Z

Nose film 1 1400 Z2100 Z
Right film 1 1400 Z2100 Z
Left film 1 1400 Z2100 Z

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